hi from pa

Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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Active member
Feb 2, 2009
Hello. I'm from the pittsburgh area of Pa. I was a memember of chins-n-quills. Unfortunately that site went down when I needed it most for my chinchilla, Flea. Doing a search online and other forums didn't come up with the info c-n-q had. So it was great surprise to see people have gotten together to create a new and better site for chins & hedgies. :clap1:
Welcome Nikki, glad you could find your way here with the gang. You'll definitely get the answers you need from these guys!
Hi Niki welcome to both you and Flea! You will find great if not greater resources here on Chins-n-Hedgies! Hope we can all be of assistance to you whenever you are in need.