Hay Rack?

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Jan 7, 2011
Does anyone have any good suggestions on where to buy or how to make a Hay Rack to hang on the cage? Right now I'm using a medal holder that sits inside of the cage, but my Chin seems to poop and pee inside of it.
Lots of us make hay sacks out of fleece that hang on the cage (it's really just a fleece pocket). I have some available if you cannot make your own.
I buy the wooden hay boxes from carise on chincessories. I like it cause it doubles as a chew toy, holds the hay well, and my chinnies use them as little leaping ledges too
Does the econo hayrack fit FNs? :)) I really like these!

They fit really well. I've got 3 FN-142's for our 7 chin's.

They are about 9 bar spaces wide, about 5" off the side of the cage at the top and about the height give or take between the horizontal support wires in the sides mesh.

Chin's have not had any issues getting at the hay either.
I made a pot type hay rack out of fleece tonight and my chinnies have given their stamp of approval :D
They fit really well. I've got 3 FN-142's for our 7 chin's.

They are about 9 bar spaces wide, about 5" off the side of the cage at the top and about the height give or take between the horizontal support wires in the sides mesh.

Chin's have not had any issues getting at the hay either.

Did you guys get the 11" or 7"?
I have several of the large ones that I would be happy to sell.They are barely used and just sitting around gathering dust! I took all of them off the outside of my cages because I was sweeping one day,accidentally hit elbow/arm on it and ended up with stitches. I think I have five of them but would have to check and make sure.I still use one for my piggies.:)
Flower pots attached to the side of the cage work pretty well for holding hay...as well as you can expect anything to hold them. My chins pull out the hay and throw it everywhere. (Imagine 280 or so chins of all ages and how much hay mess they could make...and how long it takes to sweep up all the hay....then you know what I have to clean up every morning...and evening...and afternoon!)
Oh Susan! I am having enough fun with cleaning up just after the two I think :p Ha ha! But yes, I see them dragging it around, throwing it, etc. We just need a hay holder that they can't jump in and pee in. We had bought a hay rack from Forever Fiesty Chins and our chins destroyed it and peed all over it, now they are peeing on their hay as well as in their potty pan... so we're going to try something they can't jump into and pee in :)
You could try a hooded crock, like you'd get for a bird. Sometimes you can find them with hardware to attach to the cage.

I used to use those for hay and then we got some cute bamboo feeders in and I decided to switch to those. ZZ just eats his hay out of his, but Marble flips hers onto its side and rolls it around the floor of her cage - throwing hay out left and right. Sometimes she'll even manage to wedge it under her wheel so that the wheel bounces on it while she runs. This mostly happens around 3 a.m. *sigh*
I am so sorry! I was over at the barn looking for them when my husband reminded me that I had put them in with the last bag of rabbit food(my chins get half the bag and I donate the rest) that I took to the local shelter. Thank goodness someone has a memory around here!:facepalm: