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I had a friend who convinced me to try a dog biscuit. It tasted like cardboard. I don't have any idea why the dogs like them so much.
I have tried pellets before...but my newest one is LifeLine and Critical Care. I was curious...I don't suggest it to anyone. .

Ditto I've been feeding Lily for almost a month now and was curious. It's disgusting. Atleast she doesn't fight me too much.

The rosehip...almost broke a tooth lol...i crunched that sucker...

YES I CALLED IT! :neener:
Some dog biscuits aren't so bad. When I was younger, in 3rd grade or so a friend and I used to eat them. They tasted like vanilla cookies. But it depends on the type of dog biscuit..
I know it isn't really for animals but I tried simethicone the other night too, since my chins lap it up like it's candy. Eh, it's not too great either.
I've tried Mazuri before, and chinchilla cookies... as well as dry dog food... wouldn't recommend any of this. Not so sure why the chins/dog like this stuff... NO WONDER the dog likes people food! Lol!
I'm with Alli, when I was in high school I was on the gymnastics team and we thought it was uber kewl to eat dog biscuits. Knowing what I know now...ewwwwwwwww.

Rob, stick with human food. There are just some things we don't need to understand. :D
I love Shelly but I don't trust her taste buds. The girl eats her own poop!
I tried some birthday cake made specifically for dogs, it was the blandest cake I've ever tasted.
haha, Rob you crack me up.

Like others, I use to eat dog food when I was younger. I tried dog jerky which tasted like regular jerky pretty much. I think I ate the better part of a bag with a friend once. It was not my proudest moment.

I just ate some PRCS and oh god it's horrible. So dry and the taste--it feels like my mouth is on fire. This can't be normal WHY DID I DO THIS?!?!

Ok, ok--luckily I had an unfinished chocolate orange nearby and I think I'm ok now. I didn't even swallow the PRCS, I ended up spitting it out into my trash can.
Not gonna lie, I tried a rose hip; and I use to eat dog biscits like candy when I was 3, my grandma use to tell me that if I was good I could eat one. I've tried many odd things through out the years.

Maybe I'm just weird and/or over curious.
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Ok, ok--luckily I had an unfinished chocolate orange nearby and I think I'm ok now. I didn't even swallow the PRCS, I ended up spitting it out into my trash can.

Chocolate Orange? :err: Why do humans think that chocolate goes with everything? In my opinion, somethings should just not be mixed with chocolate.
Chocolate Orange? :err: Why do humans think that chocolate goes with everything?

It pretty much does to me, heh. It's a chocolate with orange flavoring in the shape of an orange. Even has slices so you eat it like an orange, minus the peeling. It's pretty awesome. My folks get me one every year around christmas.
It pretty much does to me, heh. It's a chocolate with orange flavoring in the shape of an orange. Even has slices so you eat it like an orange, minus the peeling. It's pretty awesome. My folks get me one every year around christmas.

that sounds good to me :))