Had the best dinner!

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I heart Leonard
Jan 30, 2009
Racine, WI
My mom bought some of these wonderful sausages--chicken, asiago cheese adn spinach from Sam's Club. She split a pack with me and Lisa and I was a bit sceptical but mom doesn't usually steer me wrong--plus since chemo Lisa hasn't had any taste and she really likes these sausages. So we decided on cheese tortellini with alfredo sauce (homemade so I had to do low fat everything since I'm on WW now) and then pan fried the sausages. I also cooked frozen peas instead of garlic bread (which hacked Stewart off--LOL!) anyway DELICIOUS! These sausages are to die for! When I opened the package I could really smell the garlic and asiago cheese and I was surprised how much you could taste the spinach as well. Sam's club here I come! I learned this company also makes a mango chicken sausage and it said they taste wonderful in salad with mangoes and avocado so I'm desperately trying to find them.

I really feel like lately I've haven't been the best cook at home because I've been at Lisa's cooking for her, so tonight I felt vindicated!
Oh my you are torturing me, my dear! Today is day 7 of my diet.. LOL! Until I lose my weight, Lean cuisines and vegetables are going to be my best friend.

That sounds so nummy..

Speaking of good foods we've found.. I found the most delicious yogurt. It's called Source Exotik - melon flavor (honeydew, watermelon, cantelope). It takes JUST like the melon flavored Trident gum. Boy is it good!!!
That sounds like a pretty yummy dinner! Gotta say I agree with this Stewart fellow, though, replacing garlic bread with frozen peas? That's like replacing chocolate cake with beet greens (which are actually quite delicious.

Oh are we speaking of good foods we have found? Okay! Morningstar veggie chicken patties. I would actually recommend them for non-vegetarians, too. Stick them in a pan for a few minutes and they are so good. They work with ketchup like a chicken nugget or in a sandwich. Quick, easy, delicious, and virtually no clean up!

I also adore Jordan almonds, but to stick with the diet theme (something I should actually stick to more often), I will refrain from getting into their deliciocity at length.
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That's why I had to do no garlic bread--since pasta was involved. Sasha you and I are in this together! I think the chicken veggie patties Rebecca recommended sound really good--I'm going to try them out.

Poor Lisa is the opposite of us she is losing weight and needs to gain!

Thursday for her dinner I'm making ham and asparagus chowder or waikiki chicken & shrimp--it just depends on what she's feeling that day.

If I could have had you guys over I surely would have!!!!!
Chinmama, buy them! They are delicious! I learned they are exclusive to Sam's Club. But I also found Aidell's sausages they special in several flavors--the chicken/mango one appealing to me on a salad with mango and avocado and they have that brand at Woodman's so I'm going to check it out.
The chicken, asiago cheese and spinach ones are really delicious and were awesome with the cheese tortellini. Next time I may try just to saute them with spinach and onion and maybe drizzle a balsamic vinegar on them.