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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I'm NOT Pregnant! And glad of it!


Just wanted to share. My kids are old enough to wipe their own butts, get their own drinks, and dress themselves. They don't wake up in the middle of the night, and they don't need diapers.

I love my kids, but I'm glad we made the choice we did to not have another, now I get more time to do things I enjoy, like chins, and go back to school.

So all of you baby bakers out there... have fun in the middle of the night! :neener:
LOL This is exactly how I feel about my nephews. I love them to death, but I'm glad when I can send them home to their parents. And I don't have to worry about all that complicated parenting stuff...I get to be the cool one who spoils them!
I'll gladly jump on this bandwagon...not pregnant here either. I'm saving my money for buying chins, traveling and Vegas. No time, money or patience for kids and I have siblings that will procreate like bunnies.
Haha! I really thought this was another baby thread. haha

I'll should have started one and said guess what...My sister in law is pregnant. And I am SUPER freaking excited.
I love my nephew to death and love to spoil him. Oh what fun another shall be. ;)
im not pregnant at the moment either (and perfectly fine with that!)

though when i do see the recent posts of the CnH Baby Boom, i feel excited for all the expecting mothers. so instead of focusing on how they'll be up all hours of the night...congrats on bringing life into this world! i know you all are ecstatic and full of love!
I'm with Luci. Congratulations to all the new and expecting mothers, I am not pregnant and won't be for quite some time!

I think it's annoying everytime someone mentions they're pregnant and then people go on a rant about how much they hate children, will never have them, blah blah blah. I am happy and excited for all the new expecting mothers and won't rain on their parade during one of their most exciting and life changing events just because I don't want to have kids at this time. One of my pregnant friends came to me very upset because when she announced the news, everyone just went off on how they don't want kids, instead of being happy for her. :unsure:

Rant over. :))
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Awww.. Yeah, I totally agree with you Stackie and Luci. This is one of the most exciting and special moments in their lives and I am so happy for them! :D

I'm not pregnant and don't plan to be for at least 5 years. I need to finish my schooling and get things together! :) But when the time is right, I can't wait to be a mom!
I never said anything bad about anyone having a baby, you guys are bringing that up. I'm just celebrating that I'm done with all the not as fun things that come with babies, and I know I'm not the only one...

So don't "rain on our parade" either! LOL I think that only someone who's past the diapers and middle of the night wake ups understands that it IS a special and exciting time as well.
Gawd Nicole. Quit raining on my parade you wench!! Ha! But seriously, I'm young and gotta have a few more (LOL) before I get old and wrinkly and can't enjoy them anymore. (Like you, of course) :p
I do miss sleeping through the night... Congrats on surviving the first years. I am happy for all of us with babies and babies on the way but I also think it is great when people Know a child or another child isn't right for them. Nothing wrong with deciding you don't want one. And getting kids to wipe their own butts is a feat in itself, I know adults who still have issues LOL

Oh Liz, you know it. Old wrinkly prude that I am. I babysat overnight for a friend of mine with a year old... yup, remembered all the stuff I didn't miss! :D
I'm a gonna play both sides of the fence and say, I totally understand what you mean, Nicole. I enjoy the independence that my 5 and 10 year old have. That being said, I'd love another. I miss having a baby in the house, and even the nighttime feedings don't sound bad since its a distant memory for me. Hubby feels he's done though, so I'll have to just live through friends on here and elsewhere that have wee ones. Pregnant and new mommies should enjoy that time-- it goes so fast!
My youngest turns 13 this year. I still have a big baby, my 16 year old. We will probably always have to give him his showers, prompt him to wash his hands,brush his teeth etc, but am so glad the days of dirty diapers,and middle of the night feedings are behind me! It's the younger generations turn now!
After babysitting my grandson, I can say that I am also glad not to have more babies residing permanently in my house. I love babies but I am exhausted after a few hours with him LOL

For those that "can't stand" kids" (not talking about you Nicole..I get what you are saying), keep in mind that it is far different when they are your OWN. I have a friend that I have known since kindergarten. she was always saying there was no way she wanted to have how. At age 40 she accidentally got pregnant. Well wouldn't you know...she has fallen head over heels, madly in love with her son who is now two. Now she wishes she had children earlier and had more. lol
I understand that aspect kind of Brenda. Before I had kids, I wasn't ever like "oh what a cute baby", I wanted kids someday, but wasn't all motherly like some people are, my older daughter is 10 and she mothers EVERYTHING, lol.

I like kids just fine, but I'm glad that mine are older now and I get to have more of a life. I guess some people have a life and kids, but I can't ever understand the people who are at the bar every other weekend while their kids are with a stranger so they can get drunk or whatever. Not referring to like a date with your mate or anything like that, just out partying all of the time. I see that a lot, it makes me sad.
I don't think this thread is "raining" on anyone's "parade". I find it funny that everyone is more than welcome to post their news about pregnancies and the joys of having children but the other side is shut down immediately. I didn't say I hate children or dislike them in any way, I personally do not want children. I haven't responded to many of the pregnancy threads because I don't know those people personally and frankly don't care if they are having babies or not. I think not having children or not having babies should be celebrated just as much as having children and babies.

If any expectant mothers were offended by this thread, then they obviously read it wrong. I read it as a humorous thread and one celebrating not having babies to care for. Not everyone HAS to have babies and not everyone HAS to be happy for every single person that's pregnant. I have plenty of life changing events that don't involve pregnancy but I don't announce them everywhere and expect the world to be happy for me.
I don't think this thread is "raining" on anyone's "parade". I find it funny that everyone is more than welcome to post their news about pregnancies and the joys of having children but the other side is shut down immediately. I didn't say I hate children or dislike them in any way, I personally do not want children. I haven't responded to many of the pregnancy threads because I don't know those people personally and frankly don't care if they are having babies or not. I think not having children or not having babies should be celebrated just as much as having children and babies.

If any expectant mothers were offended by this thread, then they obviously read it wrong. I read it as a humorous thread and one celebrating not having babies to care for. Not everyone HAS to have babies and not everyone HAS to be happy for every single person that's pregnant. I have plenty of life changing events that don't involve pregnancy but I don't announce them everywhere and expect the world to be happy for me.

I LOVE babies! They are so cute and fun (to a point ;) )
Having said that....I will never want one. lol.
Congrats to mommies everywhere for keeping the world going so I don't have to