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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
This is Goldie, a one year old Abyssinian Guinea Pig. I adopted her from Bobbi ( rescuemama ) on Saturday!

She is still skittish so I did not get any of my own pics of her just yet, so this is the one that Bobbi sent me! She was supposed to be a surprise for my husband after he came back form deployment, but since I can not keep a secret to save my life, he knows and already loves her!


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    JB logo 054.jpg
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She's adorable. I have two girlie guinea pigs and they are so much fun. I love the way the whistle, chortle and purr. They push things out of the way with their heads and they seem to have pretty strong necks when they do that. They also like to line up nose to rear end and run like they are a two car train. Very funny!! My two girls are lap piggies.

Enjoy her. And I think they like company so I think you need to get another!! ;)
She's adorable. I have two girlie guinea pigs and they are so much fun. I love the way the whistle, chortle and purr. They push things out of the way with their heads and they seem to have pretty strong necks when they do that. They also like to line up nose to rear end and run like they are a two car train. Very funny!! My two girls are lap piggies.

Enjoy her. And I think they like company so I think you need to get another!! ;)

I have a lead on two more, but they are boys, so NO company there! LOL! I heard her whistle for the first time today and it scared the crud out of me because I did not know what it was! She is very strong though, she has pushed her clay pot all the way around backwards so she is hidden behind the fleece tent I have set up for her!

I also love the longer haired ones! It makes me not feel so bad in the morning when I wake up with bed head!
Wait til she starts to figure out she's getting something good when you open the fridge and then give her an apple or a red bell pepper! Whenever we opened the fridge Artie would whistle for a treat!
Goldie is adorable! I told Bobbi many times that if I didn't already have a house full of critters I would take her in a heartbeat. I'm glad to hear she is doing well with you.
I don't know a lot about Guinea Pigs, but I too love the noises they make! Goldie is very, very cute; I know your husband will be just thrilled with her.
I can honestly say I think she is one of the cutest GP's I have ever seen. I love her bedhead!
Goldie is settling in nicely..I have her in my room, on top of my dresser until I receive my choroplast for her C and C cage I will be building. She is still very skittish but just like my chins, I am slowly winning her over by sitting next to her cage talking softly to her and offering her the romaine lettuce she likes, along with some strawberries and other fruits and veggies. She still does not like her oranges so I don't offer her too many of those but she loves her apple stick I giver her nightly.

I am really looking forward to the day my hubby gets to see her! he has wanted one for so long, it may help him forget how grueling this last deployment was! :)