Giant Monstrous Chinchillas Most Dire

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Feb 27, 2011
Ghent, Belgium
The Sims Medieval

I have a serious dislike for the sims series. The combination of massive sales and hype coupled with me getting bored with the first game after about 2 hours and then getting bored with inventing ways for my sims to die horribly after about another two hours ...
However my fiancee spends hours a day watching her little fake-life people get fake pregnant and have fake kids etc ... :pillowfight:

So I went out and got her sims medieval on its release.
We were watching the intro and ...

It has chinchilla's!
In the intro movie.
And in Quests!
(they're even *shudder* Dire Chinchillas)
My fiancee is now refusing to do a quest where she has to (not making this up) eradicate a nest of bloodthirsty chinchilla's

LOL I love the Sims, can't help it! Havent played it for at least 3-4 years though (before getting PG with my REAL child, lol)
lol I love the Sims too. I never get a chance to play anymore because when I play, I play for hours. Days of school, homework, work, and chores don't let me play anymore :(
We're big Sims fans here, as well. My daughter was just saying she wanted the Medieval edition. Once she hears there are chins in it, I'm sure she'll be begging for a ride to Walmart!

check around 1 minute (at work now, youtube is blocked and so is pretty much every image host)

(*edit* I haven't seen any chins in-game yet, but then I don't play the game and I'm not constantly staring over my fiancee's shoulder to see if there's virtual chins on her screen - got the real things to stare at :) )
I just bought the most recent Sims computer game: The Sims Medieval. Guess what horrible, terrifying creatures lurk deep in the woods menacing villagers? Giant man eating chinchillas! They are referred to as Dire Chinchillas in the game and are very very dangerous. They are depicted as ginormous creatures with cute bushy tails and murder in their hearts.

I'm just enough of a nerd to think this is awesome!

That sounds awesome! I have been googleing dire chinchillas and I can t find a pic! :( Can you find one and post it? This is awesome :))
A screen shot


  • Dire chinchilla.jpg
    Dire chinchilla.jpg
    23.4 KB · Views: 159
Are another chinchilla in the background? What, did they run out of humans to eat? hahah
oh my, i haven't played anything Sim since the first Sim City came out, what? back in the early nineties? i remember playing that game on my dad's old 386 something or other computer, back when windows 3.1 was brand new, hahaha!
I'd wondered what happened to my comment about dire chinchillas! It got moved down here.

I'm addicted to The Sims and now to Sims Medieval. I love the dire chinchillas. They factor in several of the Quests. My fave so far is when you try to SAVE the dire chinchillas from being killed... also when you get rid of menancing squirrels by introducing them to dire chinchillas.

Lu :)
Like the OP's girlfriend, I didn't do the quest to kill a "nest" of dire chinchillas in the forest for their fur. Although one of my hero's went for a walk in the forest and he tried to catch one of them to keep as a pet, and ended up crushing it in the process. Now he has a "dead chinchilla" in his personal inventory that I don't know what to do with...
Nothing is better than Captain Picard's voice saying "Dire chinchillas". LOL