Empress show questions

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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Richmond Virginia
Hey everyone.
My mind is foggy and I can't remember all the in and out's of the field events for Empress. I do know there are no ear tags. And no classification of each color phase. And I remember you put the date of birth on the back of the card visible for the judge.

Correct me if I am wrong. The CLASS will be the same as the MCBA.

Here is my last question. The show is January 15 next month in NC. Two of my animals I'd like to show have birthdays of September 11 2010. If they appear in CLASS 2 then they will be the smallest animals. Since they are standard I believe I would be up against some larger animals. Of course I'll hold onto them and show them at another event as they are growers for me.

Thanks for the enlightment to follow.
If you are going to an Empress show, they do not separate the chinchillas into age groups. This typically means an animal under 8 months is rarely found in the first places. So under "Class" at an ECBC show, you do not write anything. You just put the color of the animals and the mosaics will be sorted as dark eared mosaics and pink eared mosaics. If you want to show younger animals to get opinions on them, definitely show them! I've taken six month old chins several times and I'll ask for more comments from the judge. They can give you a good idea about whether or not they think the chinchilla has potential.

Don't put the date of birth and gender on the back of your cage card unless asked. Most often, there will be a single person assigned to write on the cards. This way, the judge is only seeing one type of handwriting and it helps them be a little more impartial.
I do believe the chins need to be ear tagged at all Empress shows. MCBA does not require it, but it still a good idea to do so.
The ear tags are not required for our field day in North Carolina. My animals will be tagged anyway. I would not write the birth date and gender on the back of the card - as Tab said, one or two people go around and do this before the show starts. Completely ignore the class - the classes will be split up for you based on cage number and mutation.

I'll be showing quite a few chins that are under 7 months old to increase my numbers. I know they'll be going against larger, older animals, but I'm going to show them anyway.
Thanks for the information. After reading this I am not sure if I'll be bringing them or not Tiff. They would only be four months for this show. Would make them pretty tiny. Besides I know you are breeding tanks down there in NC. Winks.
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This will be my first ECBC show that I'm showing at! All 5 of mine are between 7-8 months, and I'm not even expecting them to do too well at their age (though it'd be nice...;) ). Personally I wouldn't bring anything under 6 months to an ECBC show...

But then I might bring some 4 1/2 mo olds to MCBA Natl's this year - so I wouldn't listen to me :crazy: haha!
Seriously - bring them.

It's not going to hurt to get comments on them, just know you should show them later to see what has changed. I have shown chins at 4 mths old that took a 2nd at Nationals that went on to take 1b a month later at 5 mths old against much larger chins at York. It was good to hear what the judge thought even though I knew the animal was young and I shouldn't go solely on these comments for breeding because the animal was young but to learn from them. I showed a 4 mth old at the claim show back in Oct that took reserve color phase champion in a decent sized standard class, he was a very nice animal. I was excited to hear his comments, even though I knew he still had tons of baby fur, but I planned to show him again.

We need all the animals we can get at our show. Bring them anyway!
We need all the animals we can get at our show. Bring them anyway!

Yes - this is true! This is really the only reason I'm bringing mine, they are actually all still in group cages - I haven't even separated them so they don't mess up each others coats! My guys will be there for moral support :hug2:

Alex, I totally don't mean to discourage you - I am VERY judgemental of my animals. I almost didn't show my PW male that got Champion White at last natl's because I didn't think he was up to snuff!
I've shown a few young ones just for comments - I like to hear what the judge has to say and then I watch those critiques and see if they improve with age at the next show.
I showed a 5 month old at ECBC Nationals (my first & only ECBC nationals so far) since he was there to travel to CA anyway and he earned a first. Fabulous comments too, so if you want some feedback on your chins & you feel they are well prepared & good sized for their age take them! :)
What would keep me from bringing them is the size. They will turn 4 months old Jan 11. The show is the 15th.

Honest paperwork would keep them out of the baby derby. Now I know they will grow into some nice animals for show potential. I will just have to wait. So I'll be there showing others. They will be ready for York. Wink.