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I bite.
Jan 29, 2009
Indianapolis, IN
Smudge turned on Mako last night. I need someone to call. I'm taking him to the emergency vet right now. What do i tell them to do?
Stacie, How bad is he? Call me, but if you call keep in mind I DO NOT use vets often, so may not be the best if you need to know what exactly the vet needs to do. A lot of what I do, especially in attack cases is here at home.
Because I can go back and edit my phone number out, at some point can one of the mods please edit it out for me? Thanks!
Oh Stacie, I'm so sorry to read this! Wishing you and Mako all the best. I don't have experience with this so I wouldn't be of any help but I'm hoping Mako pulls through whatever happened okay! :heart3:
I just talked to Stacie. She is on her way to the vet. It doesn't sound good, but you never know!
Bless your heart Stack...I wish I had have had all the answers for you or heck, any answers at all for you when you called. My heart started racing as I heard you speak. I'm soo sorry you're having to go thru this. I'm here for you luv. You and Mako will be in my thoughts. Let us know how things go. Much love hun.
If I'm not too late - Lots of subcu fluids, wrap him in warm towels to stabilize the shock, hit him with antibiotics and Metacam. If you can control the shock and get the pain under control, he stands a better chance.

If he was attacked on the back/head/neck area, make sure they x-ray to check for punctures in the lungs.

Good luck Stack and Mako. I'm crossing everything I can and saying a prayer for you little guy.
OMG Stacie...me and all my boys have our toes/fingers crossed that little Mako will be ok!!!!!!!!
what happened??!! Update?!?!?!

prayers for you and your little one

I just talked to Stacie. She is on her way to the vet. It doesn't sound good, but you never know!

Being as Becky just talked to Stacie when she posted at around 12:02 and she was on her way to the vet then, I highly doubt that there'd be an update by the time you posted your post at 12:16. Just thought I'd say that as soon as Stacie can, I'm sure she'll be posting an update. She's obviously got a very serious situation to deal with and won't be focusing on the forum at this time for a very good reason. Please have a little more patience.
I talked to her a second ago at the vets. They are first trying to get a handle on the shock, then they will worry about the wounds, which appear to be the worst on the back of his head, neck, and down his back. He's also got bleeding out of his nose, and breathing through his mouth right now, so that's another thing to worry about.

The good thing with the nose is, it may simply be that his nose got punctured and it's bleeding from there and not a more serious internal injury. I told her to insist they take x-rays to check for lung punctures and to check the other internal organs, and that should answer that question at least.

She's going to take him home, which I think is a splendid idea, as in a case like this the shock is the worst part, and I doubt leaving him at a strange vets office is going to be as beneficial to him as going home to familiar surroundings with his mom. I also asked her to have the vet instruct her on subcu fluids, giving her an IV rather than individual needles, and a hanging bag so she can insert the needle and let warm fluids run in slowly while she holds him. Then all the other good stuff, keep him wrapped up and warm, Metacam, antibiotics, bloat meds, yada yada.

It goes without saying that she's VERY upset, so everybody send all the healing thoughts you can to little Mako.
Oh Stacie I am sending tons of positive thoughts your way. I know if there's any pet owner who would try their hardest for their chin, it'd be you, so I'm hoping Mako makes it.

This situation made me wonder, if you find that one of your chins has turned on another while in the process of getting to the vet, what would be the best thing to do? Would you wrap them in a warm towel like stated, would that help with the shock? I know it would be of greatest importance to get them to the vet, I'm just wondering if there is something that should be done on the way there? I just want to know in case this were to ever happen to any of my girls.
Being as Becky just talked to Stacie when she posted at around 12:02 and she was on her way to the vet then, I highly doubt that there'd be an update by the time you posted your post at 12:16. Just thought I'd say that as soon as Stacie can, I'm sure she'll be posting an update. She's obviously got a very serious situation to deal with and won't be focusing on the forum at this time for a very good reason. Please have a little more patience.

I didn't mean to be inpatient...I didn't realize until after I had posted that she had only posted a bit before me...
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