Does this look like a bite wound to you?

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..has a fleece addiction
Jan 28, 2009
Twin Cities, MN
Okay, so I've never dealt with chin aggression really, I mean outside of some failed intros.

So tonight I go down to feed the chins and notice that Keiki has a bald patch on her nose. At first I was like what the heck? And then I looked closer and saw the blood. I'm assuming this would be a bite wound from her cagemate MuShu? Given the placement I would assume it's less likely that she ran into something. They do have branches and things that she could bump into, but I think that's unlikely.

So here are some pictures..



Now, I've never seen any aggression between the two. Of course, I'm not observing them all the time since they live in the basement (can't wait to move out so they can have a chin room again!). So I guess I'm asking if it would be good to separate them. I'd rather not have the aggression escalate or anything.

I guess separation is the obvious choice. I'm just looking for assurance that this is the best thing to do. :))
They may have had a slight squabble or she may have thumped her nose on the cage somewhere. Hard to say.

I guess I would keep an eye. If there wasn't fur everywhere and they seem to be fine together, monitor them and see what happens.
Yeah, I've never seen them squabble, or even really kack at one another. The only time was a couple days ago when Keiki dropped her twig and went over to try and steal MuShu's and MuShu kacked at Keiki.

I'm just paranoid with hearing about chins that just turn on one another.

There definitely wasn't any pulled fur anywhere in the cage, and no other signs of a fight.
Okay, so this morning when I went to go check on them, they were fine together and no other bites or anything. So I will just continue to monitor them. :))
oh :(
I can't answer the question for you but oo the poor little chin... my heart sank to see her little pink nose.
she's super cute though :)
Thanks :)) Yeah, I felt bad for her too. Thankfully it's not too bad, and the blood was already dry when I found her like that yesterday. Maybe they fought over a twig, they don't like to share!

Today they were sleeping together in their hammock. I must get a picture of that.

So hopefully they'll continue to live together peacefully, but I know it can change at any time..
It looks like a bite wound to me. Coconut suffered a similar wound when I was trying to introduce her and Babynut.
A week before I picked up Kunya, his previous owner emailed me and said he ran into the side of his cage and cut his nose, similiar to your chin's pic. She took him to the vet and they gave him some antibotics for infection. He was fine. His nose healed well too. Good luck, Keiki! She is beautiful, btw!
Ya know I was just thinking, especially because someone mentioned something about fur being or not being in the cage, if they did fight there would probably be alot of fur in the cage [i know i'm not the most qualified to answer this, but when Bo and Chin stopped getting along, the fur just dropped like crazy]. And since you said there is nothing there for her to scratch herself on in the cage, is it possible that maybe her cagemate had the little twig in her mouth and maybe it scratched up against this one when they got too close to one another so then she could of got scratched that way.. I hope that made sense. From the picture, to me at least, the scratch doesn't look that big, so maybe that is how she got it. Or she just could of jumped off a shelf and landed to close to the other one when the twig was in her mouth and got scratched that way. But instead of guessing how it happened, I guess I should just say that maybe some how she got the scratch from the twig when it was in the other ones mouth.

They're doing great! You can't even tell she was bit anymore besides the missing fur.

This morning I went down and MuShu was grooming on Keiki's head, which was so cute to see.

Thanks for asking! :))
Alli- it looks like she could have been chewing the bars? Just how the fur is missing and the little dent kind of made me think that, but you would notice bar chewing I would think.
Yeah, she's not much of a bar chewer, I know I've never seen her do it. And the spaces in between the bars is such that unless she's chewing the bars crooked, her nose wouldn't rub.