Do chinchillas stretch out their hind legs?

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Jan 21, 2010
This is my first post so i appologize if i'm posting this in the wrong section. Anyways, I finally brought home my two chinchilla girls yesterday and I've noticed the smaller girl dragging her hind legs for a second or two. She looks like my dogs when they are stretching. Is this normal? The same girl also seems to lay on her side but she has been bouncing around her cage and is very friendly. These are my first chinchillas so i am very nervous. Just so y'all know I have a FN 142 model with homemade poplar shelves. I left one of the original shelves in the cage but removed the plastic and added cardboard for a solid cover. I also covered that shelf with fleece. MY girls didnt seem to play much last night either..i'm just assuming they are getting used to their surroundings. Thanks!:)
I do see my girls stretching their legs sometimes. Often it is right after they pee. They are probably just settling :)). I have some side sleepers too.
Chins do stretch their legs; I often see it accompanied with a big yawn! Some also do it right after urinating.

On the other hand, excessive stretching can also indicate bloat. As long as your chin is eating, drinking, pooping, and peeing normally, it is most likely just a nice stretch of her leg muscles.
How can I tell the difference between normal stretching/side sleeping and the bloat? After changing their food and water this morning I noticed they didnt really have much of either. They did have a good bit of timothy hay though. I have them on the chinchilla oxbow feed seeing as i have no clue what they were eating before. The girls (still havent named them) have been extremely friendly. The smaller girl almost fell out of the cage this morning when she was nibbling on my fingers. I have a food scale...should i try weighing them or will that traumatize them? From what I was told they are 8 months old.

I called my vet earlier today and the lady i spoke with told me that they are probably just getting used to everything. She said that if anything really strange or concerning popped up after the first week of having them i should take them in to be examined.

Sorry for all the questions hehe. Thanks =)
i saw my guy today sit with one leg under himself, like he was sitting on his butt, but then i realized he was grooming his legs.
Stretching that is not in conjuction with just waking up, such as the chin is awake and just starts moving along, dragging the stomach along the floor while pushing the upper chest up. You can also listen to the chins stomach by putting your ear there and listening for loud popping and gurgling noises. Also if the stomach feels doughy or hard/
If the chin is staying in a stretched position for an extended time, bloat stretch is more of a belly stretch than a leg stretch, because the belly aches, stretching it out helps allow for the expanded intestines and relieves some of the pressure on it.