Chinchilla Arbitrage

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Too bad there is only one vet in my area that works with chins, and she's an hour away. I wish my local vet could do it, sigh. Oh well.
What cracks me up is the fact that (at least around here) PetSmart sells good food like Oxbow and Oxbow hay, yet they feed their in-store chins stuff like Kaytee Fiesta. I know it's probably cheaper, but people tend to buy what they see the animal being fed in the store, so it's not exactly helping them move their product...

We have a small pet store near us that used to get two chinchillas every once in a while. Finally, after a chin had spent MONTHS in their store because no one could afford their price, they stopped "stocking" them. If you want a chin, they can still get you one, and it's better because it's direct from their breeder of choice, not sitting in a store for weeks. I wonder why more stores don't do that... I'm assuming it's a cost issue and not economical.
I saw a standard chinchilla at Petcetera (like a Canadian version of petsmart). He was in a good sized cage but it had wire ramps, a wheel with spaces, plastic igloo, no hay etc. He looked pretty unhappy and he was right there out in the open in the middle of the store. I would have liked to say something but I didn't.. However I'm thinking I might apply for a part-time job at the store. At least they'll have one person working there who cares enough to learn about the animals' needs.

Also I just wanted to say to Chinniechantel, I think it is really great what you did for that poor little chin! It's wonderful to see someone who cares so much about the welfare of animals. Really admirable. :)
The PetSmart by AMC (We have a BILLION PetSmarts) had a little standard for sale, he was so skittish and wouldn't come out from behind his igloo. When the lady picked him up hair went EVERYWHERE. She went on to tell me how she owned two chinchillas, but not a "purple" or "volcano" one (I think she meant violet or beige). She also told me that hers were very tame with the exception of one who got away in the backyard because she wasn't holding him tight enough O_O
came from Petsmart. Look at the photos if you like. Bartlebe, and Loke

Just a question about this.... You said that they came from Petsmart? But why did you assign them your ranch brand? I thought that was for if you bred the animal, etc? not for who bought it...

"CRLT R 01
CRLT R 02"
Pet store chins.... a sad story about the truth

This is the first time I've posted here-- I've been lurking for a year or so, but just recently became a member. I'm new to the world of chinchillas. I've only been breeding for a year now, but my lines are built off of Shoots, Bowens, Somavia, PSK, Meadowbrook, and I'm looking forward to introducing some Ryerson and other great Ranchers. I'm still learning. I know that. I don't show yet, but I am taking advantage of living where I do and hopefully going to go to some of the MI chapter shows and meetings.

I cannot be silent about this issue though-- I feel so strongly about pet store breeding because of my experience. I'm sorry my first post is so volatile. I'm a strongly opinionated person when it comes to these matters, but otherwise pretty happy and outgoing. :)

I first got into breeding because of pet store chinchillas. I'd had my eye on this cute little fuzzy unknown ball of joy for a month. My fiance wouldn't let me have them.We were very involved with over 500 gallons of aquariums and extensive exotic fish breeding. (long, long story). Anyway, I was brilliant and took along my best friend, now partner, and we stared in at these three adorable chinchillas.

You guessed it, we took 'em home (or, at least two of them). I got yelled at that night, but when Ry held my baby, he just melted.

About three weeks in, my best friend and I had contacted several breeders, spent COUNTLESS hours reading and had gotten a feel for chinchillas. Tillian did everything with me. Every time I had a body part he could crawl onto, he would do so and fall asleep. He was constantly making muted little squeaking noises and nuzzling me. We watched movies together and he'd ride around on my foot while I cleaned the house. I loved him. I adored him. I fell hook line and sinker.

Then one day I came home. Tillian was lying, barely moving, in his hay. I started screaming, I just knew what was happening. I called our emergency vet and took off for the hospital (about 10-15 minutes away... normally). He was dying in my hands, I could feel him going, but there was a football game and traffic was slow. He suffocated to death as I held him.

We arrived at the hospital and they took him. I wanted to make certain whatever had caused his death wasn't a danger to my existing pets. We went home to our remaining babies (by the way, I got the other one for Ry as a present.... he loved her, of course and a female rescue that had been abused).

Another two weeks passed. The vet sent us back their theory that he did indeed die of genetic defect. My baby just wasn't ever gonna make it. We decided we wanted to actually start breeding chinchillas to further enjoy the experience of being chin parents and strengthen the lines in our area. We contacted an awesome breeder near Seattle and drove 9 hours one way to get there, picked out 7 beautiful strong-pedigree chins, and drove back.

As we walked in the door, I could tell something wasn't right with our small ebony we'd gotten after Tillian died. Fable was lethargic and breathing shallowly. It was early on a Saturday morning, so again we were on our way to the hospital. Fable fought for five long days, but we couldn't let him keep suffering and let him go.

This time, they discovered something they thought was just genetic defect in Tillian to be a respiratory disease in Fable. It was something unknown and aggressive. And I had just bought seven more very expensive chinchillas. And not only that, but these were that breeders babies. She CRIED when I took them away. I felt like the scum of the earth and was terrified.

We sealed our house off in plastic. My fiance and I moved into our living room. We considered taking the ill chins and moving them to a friend of ours. I spent a week crying and agonizing over how these chins could have gotten this disease-- then I remembered something. When I had bought my chins, I had asked them why there were rats, not for sale, in the same compartment. They replied that they just had some upper respiratory thing.

I was FURIOUS. I had already racked up 1,000 dollars in bills from the vet on Fable alone, not to mention the 250.00 for each chinchilla that I lost... Not to mention the time I spent in the hospital visiting the baby every day, nor the emotional anguish I had gone through. I stood to lose thousands more for each chinchilla that was probably sick.

Will I buy animals from them? NO WAY. But despite the idiots who run the place, they have some very kind and loving, knowledgeable staff (who pretty much, of course, are the underdogs who do what good they can behind the scenes). What they told me was that rats have U(pper) R(espiratory) I(nfections) all the time-- just weak genetics and that they couldn't be held responsible for the illness. I was furious and demanded my money back... because what idiots put 4.00 sick rats in with chinchillas? I mean seriously! They refunded me for the money I'd spent in their store.

I also made them swear they would never, ever buy chinchillas from this particular breeder again-- This breeder was an unknown, backyard breeder. She had bought chins from other pet stores and was breeding them and selling them again. SHE is responsible for this and I cannot express my disgust and hatred for her. She breeds irresponsibly and just let's whatever happen happen. She has no idea what two animals she's throwing together. It broke my heart. It cost me a small fortune. It nearly cost me my sanity.

Breeding pet store chinchillas is absolutely wrong. There is no question of that. If you can't go back at LEAST a generation/two and know that there is no illness or genetic weakness, than you have no business breeding those chins. You're selfish. You're putting the health and happiness of your chinchilla at risk. Pet store chinchillas can be as expensive as buying from a reputable breeder-- And many breeders are terribly reasonable! It's not hard to be a good breeder. There is so much information out there and so many people willing to help you and mentor you. There is no need to be selfish and horde your pets. You're hurting them for the happiness it gives you.

I might add, that Petco and PetSmart are some of the worst corporate pet store offenders of animal rights I can think of. They're big chains that don't give a crap if the animal lives or dies. They just want their money... There are individual stores with good individual people, but I wouldn't step foot in there 'cause I'm afraid I'll scream at someone! Look at the store that was selling a genet! I mean, do half of you even know what a genet is?? It's an extremely complex and exotic animal that doesn't belong in a pet store (that mis-fed it) to be sold to some joe-shmoe off the street.

Basically, if you're not trying to be the best you can be with your pets, than you aren't worth them. They don't get to pick who their owners are. We can only try and be as kind to them as possible. Just because you happen to be able to sell your mutt god-knows-what chinchillas doesn't make it right. How many times has disease swept through entire herds because some lying breeder bought the pet only chins and then resold them as "Prize Winning XYZ chinchillas"? I know the Northwest has been plagued with this problem at least twice. Why not build up the breed and try and make it better? Why perpetuate the vicious cycle of ill-bred chins. There are enough idiots out there accidentally sticking their two chinchillas together and having babies. If you are actually investing yourself and want to be a breeder, then DO IT. Go all the way.

Do you know what happens to chinchillas when they dye of malo? Have you seen them suffer? Do you understand what you are risking here? Maybe it hasn't yet, but you aren't lowering your chances because you don't care.

You are misrepresenting your chinchillas and what they REALLY are. Your website-- I've seen it. In fact, I saw it before I even read this thread 'cause I looked through a lot of the Oregon breeders before I found an awesome one I'm getting chins from this summer. I didn't know all those "PRIV" really meant PetSmart.

Whether or not I'm listened to, I have to say what I feel. I just recently told this to an idiot breeding in our area who tried to buy the rescue I got-- to breed. He didn't even know what a Mosaic was! :banghead: So, take it or leave it. The truth is... breeding chins that you aren't sure could be carrying something, is the same as breeding chins you're sure do. The only respectable, decent thing to do is try to be your best-- not for your sake, 'cause god knows I don't care, but for the chins and their future.

Start over. Keep your pedigreed chins and just get them replacement mates. It's that simple. I promise. There are some great breeders around who have reasonably priced animals. If you want, I can put you in touch with two that I know of in OR (you'll have to try and beat me to buying all of one's babies up! They're just too cute!), but please. STOP breeding your pet store and rescue chinchillas. It is absolutely wrong. And there's no reputable or good breeder out there who would tell you it's okay... only the shabby ones who're doing the same shady things are going to agree.

*steps off soapbox*

Ahem. To end my story-- despite the loss of Tillian and Fable, we managed to go on. The vet clinic cut our bill in half and were the most awesome team I have ever had the pleasure of working with. THANK YOU WSU VET CLINIC! None of the other chinchillas died, though we had to medicate three for a while. Our herd is happy, healthy and spoiled rotten! The issue is behind us and the pet store in question changed the way the chinchillas were displayed and handled. I still miss Tilli, but it's too be expected that there will be loss. I just was so taken by surprise...