Chin with a broken pelvis

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Great job Ash and Tia. :dance3: If I could do back flips, I would be doing them now.

If she were mine, I'd keep her confined for another month and let everything calcify and heal up right.
I have decided to not let her play just yet... I am still really nervous about it, you know? But I think I am going to continue to let her dust herself. It made her a BILLION times happier, it really did, and she's been more active and eating better and playing with her toys more since I let her. I think the pros outweigh the cons, especially since she isn't a particularly violent duster. She rolls around for about two minutes, pausing frequently, and then hops out.

We'll get more x-rays in about a month or possibly two, but knowing how nosy I am it will probably be a month... I have the money, and I like to know how she's coming along, you know? I just hope all these x-rays (in the end, she will have been x-rayed four times in four months) don't negatively affect her...
Glad to hear she's doing so well!

I wouldn't worry too much about the xrays - one of our chins broke his leg last winter and had 4 or 5 done all within a 3 month period. IMO, they're worth it for the peace of mind.
By the way, she isn't as much of a love as you'd think... she's too busy being infuriated at me for being in the little cage, lol.
The chins the the huge personality like her are a lot of fun, you have done a great job with her and I look forward to reading all about your adventures when she has healed.
I've been following this post and am so glad that such progress is being made, YAY both of you!!! Please keep us posted, and give her a big ole' "get well" kiss for me:kiss:, and bunches of high fives for you:high5: God love ya, that's got to have been hard on the emotions - your'e such a good mama!!
Wow, the healing that has occured is amazing! Such great news for the both of you.

As far as her hating you, she will come around. I had to go through a month of hand feeding and med administration 4x a day with Loki, as well as confining him to a small cage and he had to wear a cone... Now, although he DESPISES being held, he sure does love his scritches!
Does anyone think that Tia should not be allowed to dust herself? Just a poll of everyone following this... I don't know, every time she dusts herself she acts odd. Like she's exhausted or hurting.

I think she's exhausted, because it's a lot of work and she has been kept so penned up since late February... she doesn't act like she hurts... what do you guys think? I'm going to call Angie and ask for a consultation tomorrow, I really hope she does those.
Does anyone think that Tia should not be allowed to dust herself? Just a poll of everyone following this... I don't know, every time she dusts herself she acts odd. Like she's exhausted or hurting.

I think she's exhausted, because it's a lot of work and she has been kept so penned up since late February... she doesn't act like she hurts... what do you guys think? I'm going to call Angie and ask for a consultation tomorrow, I really hope she does those.
I would not be dusting her. It takes quite a bit of contorting for them to roll. If she's acting odd after wards, chances are very good that it is bothering her.
I would not be dusting her. It takes quite a bit of contorting for them to roll. If she's acting odd after wards, chances are very good that it is bothering her.

Dang it, I was afraid you would say that. The vet said it was okay, but the way she acts bothers me...

At the same time, she is a thousand times happier when she's able to dust herself. She eats twice as much as she does when I dust her, and she actually shreds her toys and plays.

Are you sure it's not a bigger benefit than a loss? I'm sorry, I know I'm pushing, but... I just hate seeing her depressed, and dusting brings her so much joy that she doesn't otherwise have, you know?
If she breaks that pelvis again because she is allowed to dust, how will you feel? I'm pretty sure we can all guess the answer to that - you'll feel dreadful. We all would.

It is better for her to be dusted by you until you go back for further xrays next month.
She's gone this long without dusting herself and survived- she can go a little bit longer. Just think if she would dust herself and break the pelvis again - she would have to be contained longer, and THAT would make her much less happier than having to wait a little bit longer before dusting herself.
I would feel awful. I feel awful just thinking about it. *sigh* Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't like it, but I'll do it.

I just feel so bad for her.
I would feel awful. I feel awful just thinking about it. *sigh* Yeah, I guess you're right. I don't like it, but I'll do it.

I just feel so bad for her.

She may not like it now, but she will thank you in the end when she can run around and bounce again and dust herself without having any worries. :))
I know I ask this like every two weeks, I'm sorry if it's annoying.

It has been 52 days since Tia was put in a restrictive cage - almost two months. I posted a video of her hopping around so, once again, I ask you for your opinions...

Can Tia dust herself yet?

Once again, I'm so sorry if this is as annoying as I think it is, but I can't help it. You guys are my only chin resource!
Considering how long it has been, and how far she has come, I say yes. :banana:

I would wait for a few more opinions first just to make sure, but I think she would be just fine.
I know I ask this like every two weeks, I'm sorry if it's annoying.

It has been 52 days since Tia was put in a restrictive cage - almost two months. I posted a video of her hopping around so, once again, I ask you for your opinions...

Can Tia dust herself yet?

Once again, I'm so sorry if this is as annoying as I think it is, but I can't help it. You guys are my only chin resource!

It's not annoying at all - you're being a really responsible chin owner. Tia is a very lucky chinchilla. :thumbsup:

From seeing her on those videos it is remarkable how she has recovered from her terrible injury. I would be tempted to give her a short time period in her first dust bath & see how she does - let her roll a couple of times & then remove it & watch how she is.