Chin names and how they came to be

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Stephanie: Zoo Poo Gal!
Dec 4, 2009
Kingsland, Georgia
I have noticed, through my browsing, that a lot of us on here have a varying range of names for our chins. I thought it would be neat for us to tell how we came to name our little fuzz butts what we named them. ;)

I named my first chin Herby because when she hops around, she looks like a VW Bug. And Zoe got her name because I have always wanted a girl named Zoe and since I will never have a human girl child, she is my chin girl, so I gave her the name Zoe.
I generally don't change the names of my animals if someone prior took the time and thought to give them a name. Now if I adopted a pet that had a name that I thought was derogatory or if I already had a pet with that name then I'd change it for that reason.

Pip: My son named him and got the idea from a video game.

Oscar, Max, Carlos, Buster & Rupert: Came with their names.

Feeney (I miss him so much) was actually a retired breeder named Phoenix but I thought it was a bit too formal for my liking so I changed it to Feeney.

Alice: Haha, she's my kitty but she also came with that name... that's all she came with btw!
I tend to like "people" names for my chins. Usually what happens with me is I will see a picture of the chin and then the name comes to me. I have no clue why I named Bobo that way! She was my very first chin and I was told she was a boy lol! Leonard came to me and was really named Leno, but I don't care for Jay Leno so I changed it to Leonard and he sure doesn't seem to mind. Mick St. John is my violet boy named after Mick St. John the vampire private detective from the CBS cancelled series Moonlight. GiGi is Bobo's daughter. As we believed Bobo to be a boy she was housed with Gordon. Gordon died when I crunched him in the recliner--all before I knew better than to allow free time in an open room such as the living room. GiGi was born just 5 days after Gordon's death so she is GG for Gordon's Girl. Lisa is named after my beautiful sister, Lisa, who died from breast cancer this July. Baby Lisa chin is a pink white and I had said someday I would want a pink white girl to remind me of Lisa--pink for breast cancer, white for an angel. My wonderful friend Kristy (starleomach) is baby Lisa chin's human mom--when she was born Kristy called her Lisa from the very beginning and she gave her to me to help heal my heart. I love be able to see Lisa and say to her everyday I Love You, Lisa. She was born on July 2nd, and my own beautiful sister Lisa say pics of her as a kit and knew she would be coming home with me and that she had been named Lisa. It was a very special moment to share with her just before her death.
I really liked the Moonlight series. I wish it was still on.

Phoenix was named that way when I got her.

Sedona was named after another city in Arizona. I wanted to stick with a theme.
Cervantes was named after a video game character; I wouldn't let my ex name him Spawn, so he went for another 'evil' character from the game we played together the most.

Crash named himself during his first playtime out of the cage; he'd been on a wheel at the rescue, but he didn't know that he couldn't "run and ride" on a tile floor, so when he suddenly stopped moving his feet... *skid* CRASH! Right into the side of the tub. So I got a dirty look for making it happen :wink: and he took off again... right into my foot. Repeat with the linen closet door, the door stop, the cupboard under the sink, the toilet, and me several more times. Since I'd just gotten done listening to "Crash into Me" by Dave Matthews Band, the phrase came to mind, and he became Crash. His middle name, "No-touchy!" came a few minutes later when it was time for him to go back into his cage and he proved *impossible* to catch for the better part of an hour.
BamBam - I already had the name picked out before I was going to get him. I had a pair of PJ pants with Pebbles and thought of BamBam. It was a cute name and it stuck!

Domo - We decided a few days before picking up BamBam that we were most likely going to get BamBam's brother so he wasn't lonely. We didn't have another name picked out so I told my fiance he could pick a name he liked. I have a stuffed Domo in the back of my car and Caleb was looking in the rearview mirror and saw the stuffed Domo and thought to himself 'stupid Domo is in the way' and the name Domo just stuck

by the way, this is a Domo for those who might not know what it is, lol

Kiwi - No special story to this one, just looking through a name list and thought it was cute. It also goes well with her, she's round and chunky like a little Kiwi :)

Spyro - Spyro was my absolute favorite video game when I was younger and when I first saw Spyro and Kiwi up for sale, I just got done playing Spyro on my old PlayStation.

My next chin, which will be a violet, will most likely named Yoshi because he is also a favorite video game character of mine and it goes with my 'cartoon/video game character' theme. I tried to pick a girl name that went with the theme but really couldn't think of anything I liked so I just stayed with the name Kiwi.
I forgot to mention 'why' I changed Phoenix's name to Feeney: Loved the Laverne & Shirley show and one of the main characters was called Shirley Feeney. My sister thought the show was so dumb but I loved it.
I forgot to mention 'why' I changed Phoenix's name to Feeney: Loved the Laverne & Shirley show and one of the main characters was called Shirley Feeney. My sister thought the show was so dumb but I loved it.

I love that show! I had a cat named Boo Boo Kitty when I was younger... and Feeney is such a cute name too..
Lisa is named after my beautiful sister, Lisa, who died from breast cancer this July. Baby Lisa chin is a pink white and I had said someday I would want a pink white girl to remind me of Lisa--pink for breast cancer, white for an angel....She was born on July 2nd, and my own beautiful sister Lisa say pics of her as a kit and knew she would be coming home with me and that she had been named Lisa. It was a very special moment to share with her just before her death.

That is such touching story and yes, I cried at reading it. I hope your little girl has helped your heart heal and that she brings to you nothing but love and joy. :angel7:
Most of my chins are named after video game characters. I'm going to continue this trend for all my rescues and new pets as well. :p
When we went looking for a chinchilla color didn't matter except for the fact that we wanted a white belly. We ended up with a dark ebony.

We also planned on getting a pet quality chin but instead got the boy with a very nice pedigree and show potential.

This meant we needed a darker name but something sofisticated befitting a pedigree so we thought of Edgar after Edgar Allen Poe. My husband loved it but as we were making the long drive home I thought of Wallace which I also liked but is the much hated name of a friend. We decided to use Wallace as a middle name and it's really to honor our friend who is a true gentleman.
Snickers: had his name when we got him - and it suited him
Soot: he was black like Soot
Klinger: had his name when I got him - and it fit
Jack Voulet: CL rescue - a violet - wanted something "Violet" in the name - and Voulet is a wine that I love....Jack came in as a tribute to our old chin Gus (Jack & Gus from Cinderella)
Tribble - The cute little cooing balls of fluff on Star Trek. :3
Valentine (My first chin)- I got him a week before Valentine's (lol)
Casanova-Stuck with the theme
Romeo-Stuck with the theme

My 2 new females coming from brightstarchinhillas are Venus and Helen (Staying with the theme again)

We were going to name Helen another name, Madonna (Not the singer), but I got tired of having to put (not the singer) after her name LOL
My bf's son wanted a hampster for christmas this past year. I wanted a chin (I've wanted one since I was a kid). We went to the pet store to look at them (this was before I knew about this forum). Shelly was the name of the girl who helped us. She pointed us in 90% of the right direction. Shelly was named after her because she really was a very sweet person. We keep in contact with her and she is our sitter when we leave town. That is how we came to have Shelly (aka Shelly Belly, Puff, Fuzzy Butt, Kangaroo and Princess).
Jose, my daughter named him, and it fits. Jose Jalapeno on a stick is his official name
Galaleo(sp) we usually call him Gala was my mistake from the minute I got him he liked to explore and I thought Galaleo was an explorer not an astronomer. OOPS
Snow< still cant figure this one out she is a beige not white
Sumo, you have to see the way he sits and how round he is to understand. son named (nickname: Richard, Richie Poo, Sweet Apple, lovebug)

Stitch.........was named that & it totally fits (nickname: stitchie pies)

Zucca.........means pumpkin in Italian and i am italian and i kept calling him pumpkin
nickname: zucca deluca, zucca bear

Jack.........jill gave the background nickname: Jackie Boy

Snickers.....named that and totally fits nickname: Snicky, Snicky Pie

Oreo.........was soot but he looks like an Oreo and he lives with Snickers. YUM food.
Nickname: hmmmm really just call him Oreo or ORE

Klinger.......jill gave the background nickname: Klingy, Spazzy, Sweet Klinger Baby

41.........TBD, I am thinking Midnite because that what time we got home from the rescue. also like Stormy, since it was a nasty winter storm. but i am just not sure they fit. i have a couple other names in my mind son wants to call him Picchu after a Pokemon character. I dont think it fits but there is NO changing that boys mind!
Chibi was my first chinchilla, and I always thought chinchillas looked like Totoro from the Japanese film "My Neighbor Totoro" which has been my favorite movie since I was little. But since I think Totoro is a boy name, I named her Chibi after the littlest Totoro, Chibi Totoro.
If you aren't familiar with the film, the big guy is Totoro, Chibi Totoro is the small white one

Then I got Mei, who is named for the one character in the same movie. Mei is now gone though.

Then I got Kona, who is a black velvet and I named her after Kona coffee since she's black and I love Hawaii.

Then I got MuShu, who I just named because I liked the name. My fiance was buying me a chin for my birthday and we were trying to figure out names. While at a Chinese food restaurant, I saw MuShu and said that I thought it would make a cute name.

And finally I got Keiki, which is Hawaiian for baby. She's my youngest, and also went with the Hawaiian theme.

So all my girls are named after something Asian or Hawaiian.
wow...i've had so many names for chins...

Link and Zelda....after the videogame characters

Heath...I picked him up several days after Heath Ledger died

Sookie...after Sookie Stackhouse of the True Blood series

Dexter...after the Dexter series (he tried to draw blood the day after he was born)

Sawyer (getting him from Godins chinchillas) and Boone...after characters in the series Lost

Quinn...also named after a character in the Charlaine Harris' book series (that True Blood is based on)

others were named simply because I liked the names.