Chin Hut- by super pet

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2009
Wappingers Falls, NY
I cant even begin to explain how silly I feel for having to ask this... but has anyone used this product?
I picked one up for my lil Buddy, and its pretty basic when it comes to assembly, but Im a bit stumped. :hair:
The pkg came with 6 pieces... 3 are obviously sides, one is the entrance.. then theres what I assume is the roof, but its in 2 pieces. I can put it together, but the smaller roof piece does not seem secure, so Im starting to doubt myself. I went to the products website,, but all I see is to purchase items, I dont see any directions. Has anyone used this product? Or perhaps someone can point me in the direction of a "how-to" site which explains assembly.
Both Buddy and I thank you for your time.:thumbsup:
Do you mind taking a picture? When I had this type of hut (Granted it was almost four years ago), it was only five pieces, the roof/lid/top was all one piece.
Are you sure the roof isn't broken? We've gotten a couple of these within the past year or so, and they only have a single roof piece.

I use this for my rescues since it is fairly reasonable. The roof should not be in two pieces, just the one. It sounds like you got a broken one.

On a side note for anyone using these...elmers wood glue is your friend. These are put together very easily, but also come apart very easily. Just put a bit of glue on each of the pieces when you put them together and viola! A house that actually stays together!
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well, broken is quite a possibility. Its usable, but yeah, the roof is definetly in 2 pieces. I can take pic's. but Im on my way to work, so Ill have to look into it when I get home.

You mention elmers wood glue, is this safe to use for a repair? I don't want to pick some up if it could harm Buddy, but if its safe Ill pick up a tube and do a quick repair.

Thank you for replying, and im sad to say im happy its a broken piece... i was getting quite frustrated;p
On a side note for anyone using these...elmers wood glue is your friend. These are put together very easily, but also come apart very easily. Just put a bit of glue on each of the pieces when you put them together and viola! A house that actually stays together!

Ours seem to stay together well enough, but occasionally Kokomo goes on a redecorating spree and actually takes it apart. You can tell he's so proud of himself, standing on the pieces chewing away! :wacko:
I had bought this for my boys and they destroyed the entire thing in just one night...I hope they had fun. Good Luck with your repair....any chance you can return it?
I already let him play with it, and I heard him nibbling, so I doubt returning is an option.
Silly question alert... Wood Glue and Carpenters Wood Glue is the same thing, right? It is elmers, and it does say non toxic. I know its kind of a silly question, but I love my lil Buddy, I dont want to make a terrible mistake.
As long as I have the right kind, I'll just do a quick repair on the house. I might put a few extra drops in the cracks, as Essentia mentioned they can come apart easily. My lil guy is forever bouncing off the walls in his cage, I could def. see him knocking this over and it falling to pieces.
Thank you, everyone, for taking the time to help me out :)
As long as it says Elmers and says non toxic it is fine. Just make sure it is completely dry before giving him the house back. The last thing you want is a sticky chinnie. Elmers school glue works as well, but isn't as good at holding the wood together as the non toxic wood glue.
Buddy says thanks!

he looks a lil grumpy at being woken up for a pic, but yay, he likes his house, and the top doesnt pop off when he jumps off it. :D
Thanks everyone!


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