Can I pull out mats in the fur?

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'No they're not bunnies'
Oct 11, 2010
baltimore, maryland
One of my chins has a bunch of mats in his fur. About a year ago, my Dad had to watch him while I had to move in with a sick family member for 3 months. When I returned he was well fed and his cage was kept clean, but my Dad said he was too afraid to take him out for his dust bath, so the poor little guy hadn't had a bath in 3 months. He didn't smell, like I mentioned my Dad did clean the cage every two-three days) but he had hair stick up in all different directions and was just a mess. I can't blame my Dad, up until watching my chin, he had never seen one before, but I had no other choice but to leave him there.

I asked about his mats before, and I was told I could grab them close to the skin and pull them out. The mats themselves are literally right on the skin. I tried pulling one, and he 'barked' at me and seemed very irritated. I don't want the mats becoming so tight that they'll pull his hair, but I also don't want to pull them out if its causing him pain. So did I really hurt him or was it more of startling him? Should I continue to pull them at the hair line?
I would keep pulling the mats and give him a few extra dust baths. It probably was startled by the pulling. If he has a lot of mats, I would do a little bit each day until the mats are gone.
I'm not sure exactly how bad it is, but one of my girls at one point had a mat on her side. I know you can pull them out, but I felt bad, I didn't want to hurt her. So along with her normal dust baths I would gently tug on the mat and rub it between my fingers to see if it would come out. Eventually it just grew out and with a very gentle tug it came right out. So it wasn't traumatic for her at all. But if they're really tight and there's a lot of them, I don't know that I would let it wait, as he might be uncomfortable.
but I also don't want to pull them out if its causing him pain. So did I really hurt him or was it more of startling him? Should I continue to pull them at the hair line?
If he didn't drop the mat he wasn't in pain/too disgruntled. He was likely figuring you were trying to dominate him, hence the verbal scolding.

I grab the mats and hold on until they drop them. Those who aren't afraid have a much harder time slipping fur than those who are scared.
When pulling mats you want to try to do it as quick as possible, too. Don't tug, tug, and tug. Try to get it out in one or two quick tugs. It's over and done before they have much time to make a peep.

I have one girl who is simply "dirty". She'll lay on her back, in the corner that she goes to the bathroom in. I am forever pulling mats out of her. She just doesn't keep herself clean at all.
I guess I should mention that I don't tug. I get ahold of the mat and pull up - sometimes lifting the chin - this forces the chin to drop the fur over me tugging multiple times and getting bit. :))
I agree with Spoof and Megan. Though, just be careful where the mats are. Gizmo recently had some mats below his mouth and chin (i accidentally got some meds there when he had his URI). I'd try to gently pull but those definitely upset him so I'd kinda massage him right there and then pull. I got kacked at a few times, but he eventually slipped them.

I dont think them kacking means theyre in pain...theyre just annoyed.