Brown Velvet Change

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Feb 4, 2009
NW Florida
So a few months ago, Silverrose made a post asking for advice to distinguish a chinchilla's mutation. It started off looking like this last August:


Later on though, she got those dreadful feet stripes that make you question if it is a velvet. We decided to take a picture in October to ask:


The advice given was to wait another month, post another picture, then let the C & Q members decide. We waited, and this is what she became in November:


Without a doubt, we'd had a chinchilla change from what we assumed to be a beige, into a brown velvet! Just as an update, this is how she looks today at a little under 7 months old:


Quite the remarkable change from day 1. :err:
Lol, she is really not that huge... I just have small hands! She is not even quite 600g yet. And she was squirmy for pics, so the last pic of her, the front of her is all poofed from me trying to hold and center her.
It is very neat watching them change. I have a girl who I question is a TOV (in my avatar) - though she DOES have paw stripes and the breeder listed her as a TOV. Guess I will have to wait to see what she throws. Whites are the hardest when it comes to TOV.

She is adorable, by the way. I love brown velvets!
Wow, I didn't know veiling changed so much on Brown velvets as they age. She is a cutie though!
wow! It's incredible the amount of change you get as they mature! I guess you never know completely what you're going to get until they get older. Is this the final mutation or will her color change even more? At what age are you sure of their coloration?
we have had the exact thing happen, with our Danko homobeige male & JASG Black velvet female. 4 litters all look like beige when born 50% ended up brown velvet.
When we made a post on C & Q, we were told that she might darken up all the way to 1 1/2 years old. She's also not blown out her fur yet for her first priming, so we'll see what that does to her once that's finished.

Has anyone had this problem with a black velvet, or is that pretty clear and definite when they are born? I'll happily convert one of our many standards to a black velvet if it's possible! :thumbsup: Hahaha....
For me I can see the start of a mask in the first picture. It's not nearly as pronounced as a black velvets mask, but if you look closely at her: You can see she was pretty dark around the face, and it carried around the eyes. This is normally a good indicator :).

I can tell 100% when a black velvet is born if it's a black or not(so far anyway). It's normally pretty clear as my blacks have all been born fairly decently veiled.

Its neat how her actual color shade changed so much, though!
I've seen a couple of black babies who I would have been unsure about if I wasn't aware they could have been a black. Those were not breeding quality animals, though. Quality blacks have always been very easy to spot when they are young, even still wet. (though for me, beiges look like whites when they are wet, sigh)
I have always been able to tell here 100% at day of birth. But Mine have always been born with very pronounced veiling
The thing with this kit is that the sire had never thrown a tov before (and hasn't since yet either -_-). So day one, she looked like a beige to me, and I thought nothing of it. I don't know if I just happened to pay closer attention one day, but I did notice her face was a bit darker. I didn't even think of the paw stripes til someone else noticed them from the picture. After a while, she started to have that off-color triangle on her forehead. I had always thought that BV/BrV would show up pretty clearly on a kit. Obviously this wasn't the case. And it really is amazing how much she has darkened up.
Beautiful. I love when they get a little older, you think you have one color and they turn out to be another.
I've had the same exact thing happen to me here! I thought I'd have a beige girl born and didn't think any different until she was about 4-5months old and she started getting veiling! I'd never had that happen prior, I'd always been able to tell whether it was a TOV kit with blacks, beiges, and violets. So I was a little shocked to see her start getting veiling so late! Now if only there was a better way to tell on white and extra dark ebony chins!

I have a tov tan that was barely tov at birth, and now is just gorgeous. That tov veiling can take a long time to develop, and it seems the brown velvets are harder and more tricky than the blacks.
Thanks for sharing your pictures! I can't believe the change- nature is amazing :eek:)
Plus the ear freckles are super!