Breech baby, worn out mom...

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Bad Chin
Jan 29, 2009
Central Nebraska
I need your best wishes for one of my mom's. She's beautiful and sweet as anything. She feels like she has three babies, first one is breech. This started yesterday or poss. the night before.

Contractions have stopped, my two vets are not available, one moved to Texas, the other is between clinics and not working today. Will have him look at her today, but without facilities we're limited on what we can do with her.

Last night I broke the tail trying to get the baby out. I have no oxytocin on hand, I had some, but apparently a mouse ate the syringe. Today it appears they are all dead. I almost got the leg, but me messing in there must've spurred a contraction and he was shifted. Today's goal is to get the babies out, dead or alive and let her recover.

This is not her first litter, she had a single her first time, triplets last time. Last time she got the kits out, but they were all dead. I didn't realize her pelvis is very tiny. If she makes it through this she will be retired permanently and moved into the house as a pet as I just don't know if I can trust someone not to breed her. She's a gorgeous 1st or better huge Miller female.

We're getting ready to go into town, please keep her in your thoughts, she needs all of the best wishes she can get right now!
I'd get her started on some antibiotics so that she doesn't get a bad infection. I hate to say it, but she will probably need a c-section at this point. Even with oxtocin I doubt that you will be able to get decent contractions. If you do go that way, get some cal-glucon syrup...if she's been pushing all night, she will need to get something in her to potentiate some actual contractions that mean something with the oxytocin. Or else she might push and feel uncomfortable for no reason at all.

Be incredibly careful with pulling out babies. You will run the risk of causing a tear in the birth canal or pulling on the uterus and causing some real problems. Once there is a bad tear, BAD things can happen...I won't go into detail, but be careful.

I'd definitely get her on Baytril right away to stave off infection and get her in to see a vet for a c-section and possible spay. If you keep infection (and bleeding) down, she will be alright for another day without the surgery.

Poor thing...I hate to see them go through this.
Are there only 2 vets in Nebraska? What about driving to another vet? Pulling the kits out or waiting for something to happen is just asking for trouble. She needs to get that mess out ASAP.
Wow, what a terrible thing to happen. Its good you have a vet that is capable. Hope the kit makes it alright. You are both in my thoughts.
So sorry to hear about this! Glad that one kit made it! Best wishes for a quick recovery for mom!
LOL, no there are more than two vets, but there are only two around that I trust. This was this vets first chin spay, she was refered to me by Dr. Adrian. She had done guinea pigs, rats, and other rodents before. She was AWESOME. It was the day she was normally closed, but she came in and was ready to go when I got there. She didn't even bother with paper work we put her right under. She was upset it took 20 minutes. I didn't expect any live kits and I told her so. Well worth the 1 1/2 drive there.

Oxytocin with Finnie would not have helped anything, her pelvis was just too narrow. When trying to turn the kit my finger barely fit, let alone a kit.

There were three kits as I suspected, two girls and one boy. We have a girl who is alive and spunky who made it back home. Finnie is sore and very tired, but otherwise good and alert. She loves her baby and is very concerned about where she is. She is on Baytril and Metacam.

I can't express how happy I am how everything turned out for Finnie today. I had Dr. Tammy spay her as I don't want her to ever have to go through this again and I'm sure her pelvis isn't planning on getting larger. I'm beyond thrilled with the special little girl and hope that Finnie will have milk for her. I plan on hand feeding her as well until Finnie gets milk in, if she doesn't then I'll just hand feed. When she checked at the vet she didn't have anything at that time.

It's a good thing I am cold hearted and don't care about my chins ( per rumors I've heard), or Finnie would've never made it! :p
Thanks for the update. I'm so happy to hear they are doing well. Big hugs and kisses to both of your girls. :kiss: :hug2:
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So glad to hear Finnie and miracle baby are doing well. You did a great job getting her the help she needed and sounds like you were pretty heroic yourself! Glad everything turned out so well.