Abrams and Bettes Zoo Chinchilla showing on the Weather channel

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Did anyone catch the weather channel this evening? I am kinda thinking I was the only one haha. Well, here we have it folks.. a chinchilla became nationally famous by being the first to be hosted on The Weather Channel as part of an animal exploration by the Abrams and Bettes (sea world) Zoo.

They showed one chinchilla bathing, and the other woman held one in her arms. I was sort of freaked out to see her gripping it so hard but the chinchilla was very content.

Sooo did anyone catch it?? ahhh!!! I'm so excited hahahahaha! Rare that you can catch a glimpse of a chinchilla on the television.
I tried finding it on their site, but it's not showing up. That's kinda weird though, because they have every other thing under the sun on there. Maybe they will post it later.
Yes, I saw that yesterday! I thought I was the only one haha. Weird, because I literally never watch the weather channel, but I just happened to put it on and there was a chinchilla...
My sister will never let me live this one down!!! I LIVE with the Weather Channel on as background -- HOW could I have missed that??? DANG!!!
Will they have it online maybe?? Only time I ever see a chin on tv is on Go Diego Go. Though she is a cutie even if she's a cartoon.