2012 Atlantic Chapter Show - State College, PA! April 13th-14th

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Cheryl, you know...I get SO freaked out grooming other peoples' chins?!? I'm so afraid if the chin doesn't do well they'll think it's cause of how I groomed them! I've done it though, cause I always groom mine right before leaving and then just have to touch them up as I put them in their show cages...but man! I've got SO much to do at this show...trying to make all arrangements in advance...we shall see how THAT works out. Seriously though, once I get mine in their cages I'm free to help ;) I'll be there good an' early I'm sure.

Lol I do know what you mean! The first show I ever went to I got taught how to groom (using my chin of course) and after I was done with the one chin that I brought I got asked to help them finish up the grooming of their chins!!! I freaked out royally and tried to get out of it, but in the end I did end up helping them and THANKFULLY didn't mess anything up!

I don't think I've ever actually had anyone help me groom my animals, but I always appreciate the help of a few extra hands to write up cage cards, tear off the used sheets on the lint roller, open the show cages, and other things like that :)

Christiane And Brandy, I am putting together another garden basket this year since Mish said last years was a hit. I wanna throw in hanging strawberry plants and some roll out flower seeds. Im sure I will come up with alot more. I love doing this stuff!
Mish, I knew you would love it! More to come!!
I'm going to be bringing some Southern Style Potato Salad for the lunch, seems like it'll go well with the pork! Looking forward to meeting and learning next weekend!
Less than a week left!

I just assembled the favors for the banquet, including the means by which the winners of the centerpieces will be chosen...

and I bought all the ingredients to make the cheesecake and chocolate covered cherry mice, but I forgot about the beans/casserole. But as Dave has always said, there's only one end of the buffet table he's concerned about. =p =)

(I'll get the rest of the ingredients later.)
OMG Cheryl, I would've died! On another note, one week everyone! Are we all totally psyched? Of course we are! It's going to be a big day for me...long...but oh so fun. My bank account will be thoroughly drained afterwards I'm sure but hopefully I'll have something to show for it ;)

And everyone, look for the FREE goodie bags on the registration table after I arrive Saturday morning ;)
I am leaving tomorrow early so that we can be there to help out with the set up!
I am so excited, people are already getting on the road! Travel safe everyone! I will be at the show hall tomorrow by about 12:30, and will be there most of the evening! Can't wait to see everyone!
So bummed I can't make it - someone make sure to post results of the winners both chinnie and raffle related since there are so many great items in this raffle!
Fudge is made. I am making brownies and goulash in the morning. Mish I hope you have a fridge to store the goulash.

We should be arriving at the hall around 6pm. See you all there!!
Meatballs made - choc. pudding cakes in the RV. All I have to do tomorrow is get my husband's tush going (a job in itself) and get the chins and dogs in the RV. Hubbie has to flush out the antifreeze yet in RV. Have been trying for over a week for him to do but he waits to the last moment for everything. See you tomorrow - am hoping to get there to help with setup
Got my cheesecake made and firming up in the fridge. =) Yes, there are two refrigerators for our use at the hall. And I have a feeling we're going to fill them both. =)