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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. S

    what do youuuu think

    its been a while since i've been on here, but i always like to get a second opinion from here when it concerns my chins. My poor little girl, Dita, sadly passed away a few days ago. She had got some kind of bacterial pneumonia, and after over a week and a half of drugs her lungs were damanged...
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    Rat problem

    Apologies for the re-post but i was told this is the place for other pets. :D I gave my rats a bath today, they don't like water, but i made it as stress free as possible. Frightened, my rat dexter ran to my neck panting. Thinking it was fear i calmed him down and dried him off. But he's not...
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    chewed whiskers?

    Taking my chins out for a run yesterday, i sat with my mum. This meant that at the end of the run, i always go to her with the chin so she can stroke it, as they tend to be too bouncy for her to stroke them normally. On doing so though with Dita, i noticed her whiskers are chewed. Rather than...
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    I've gone and done it again. 2 fat little Degus were destined for the rescue centre, so i've adopted them. I just have one reservation. I think my cage that i bought is too small. I'm wondering whether its better as a 'holiday home' instead of their constant habitat! Does anyone on here have...
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    Wow, my chinny bonding is going so well! Dita's quarantine was up and i started to bond her and starrkey! Day one i let her and starrkey sniff each other, then let her explore his cage and him explore hers (empty) to get used to smells. This went well, i left their cages near each other over...
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    Chin chats

    THis is sooo cute. Although Dita is in quarantine, Starrkey can hear her! (my flat is pretty small! She made a pining noise, his ears pricked up and he made one back- I can now hear chinny chirping in stereo and its SO cute! Any of you with masses of chins must just sit laughing at them all...
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    Scritchy face

    I love that natural chin smile for scritchies. Here's some of starrkey- post some of your chinnies enjoying a good scritch! Can't resist that face can you- scritches are wanted. after moving to a better position....start on the side full chin scritch oooh that's the spot!
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    Chinny Entertainment centre

    Help. I need some input on ideas, i'm getting nowhere here. My sister just moved into a new house and has hoooards of cardboard, massive in size too as she's had to buy appliances. I have bagged all of it and its in her garage waiting for my to get building. My room is filled with cardboard too...
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    Starrkey's Neutering

    Thought I'd give everyone the info on Starrkey and his neutering here, seeing as its quite a questionable thing still in the chin world, and shall post updates on him. I took him into the vets in the morning at about 8.30, he was weighed, and i'm proud to say he's a lovely 620g :D they checked...
  10. S

    Meet Dita!

    As you all know I had the tough decision on what/whom to get as a friend for my boy Starrkey, well here she is! Her name is Dita (as in von Teese) because she is so beautiful and glamourous I cannot believe how tiny she is as she's literally just old enough to leave her parents! She is...
  11. S

    Holding upside down?

    I was just reading in the tail debate thread about holding chins by the tail. I am still not used to it as i still need to learn the right amount of grip, as he often slips and i let go so not to break his tail!! BUT thats not the thing. Whilst there a lot was mentioned about holding the chin by...
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    Chinny Cuddles

    It's taken a long time but finally Starrkey is coming round to being less bouncy when held, he still bunny kicks a bit, but he's getting there....Here are a few pics of him...he's 13 months in a few days! What? Photo time? let me get my good face on.... getting the cute lil tail in that...
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    Pairing successes

    Just wondering what success stories you all have for bonding two completely seperate chinchillas. I want a cagemate for starrkey, as mentioned in another thred, but am reading so much contradicting stuff I'm now lost what to get.... -neuter him and get him a girlfriend -or get him a male buddy...
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    Getting that Special Friend

    I have a lone chin, and have gone through all sorts with him. Now that i've had him about 4 months I think he's getting a bit bored with it all, especially as he cannot be bothered/fussed to learn to do stuff and be trained or learn to use the wheel. In petsmart today and i see 2 chins cuddled...
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    Any Rat owners?

    I know this isn't a chin question. But everyone is so insightful about chins on here and i know some of you have ratties, so i thought i'd have a go at asking a question here. I feed my boys the shunamite diet. My cage has started to smell, after literally 2 days, i do have boys that scent...
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    Human Playground

    The other day I was merely an object of playtime amusement for Starrkey. Anyone else got some cool pics of chins walking all over em? I think they're fab having them bounce all over you and include them in their runs! Here's what starrkey got up to
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    Vibrating or Quivvering?

    I never asked about this before, because i thought its meaning was obvious before, but now i'm not so sure. When I pick up Starrkey he physically shakes, i always thought it was fear (no chin really likes being picked up) and part of his method of shedding fur on to me as a defense mechanism...
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    fleece stuff in the uk

    This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone have a fleece accessory providor that will ship to the uk? After a previous post regarding my chin's erm...mating habbit with my hand, i'm going to try and get him a cuddle buddy. He shunned the one i made myself (it was a rainbow coloured stuffed...
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    chin noise

    I've checked out that chin noise site a few times because Starrkey makes a noise which he's just done again (after scritches and attention) which he does quite a lot at night when all the lights are out and about to go to bed. He keeps making the 'wistful' sound...on the site its what the...
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    Is he humping my arm?

    When i put my arm in the cage Starrkey does something strange to me. To me it doesn't look like he's giving my arm some chin-lovin' (i've seen vids on youtube of lil chins having their wicked way with soft toys)....i'll explain what he does. He'll come down to a ledge level with me, if i place...