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Chinchilla & Hedgehog Pet Forum

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  1. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Chin's recent passing, best way to clean cage?

    My boy chin was in the lower part of my divided FN. He died a sudden death--most likely heart attack from what vet says--but his sister above has been examined and is healthy. I obviously have to clean my male's cage (part) out for a future chin. Since I don't know what caused his death, I want...
  2. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    My gorgeous boy, Mr. Man.

    :broken: You came into our lives as (what we were told) was a little baby girl. You came with your sister who--truth be told was whom I'd seen first and wanted. But I learned you two came as a pair, which was just fine with me. I soon realized you were a boy---it explained why none of the girlie...
  3. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Quarantine cage--will this work?

    I know eventually we will get another chin--I can't bear the bottom level to stay empty forever. :(-- and of course need to quarantine. I purchased two of these cages as portables/emergencies, and they've held up quite well: Do you...
  4. LovinTheSmallAndFurry


    Later tonight we're supposed to have severe weather (tornadoes), so I was preparing by putting my chins in their carriers and then putting them back inside their big cage (just to be on the safe side). My 1 yr old Mosaic male chin--Mr. Man--has always given me a hard time when I've gotten him...
  5. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Pics of my chins--long overdue.

    Took me awhile, but I finally got some proud pics of my babies. The cage essentials are much thanks to Brittany, TwilightChinchillas, Whimsy, Myt, FuzziesKingdom, Abednara, SamiJami...and if I've forgotten anyone, I apologize and please raise your hand! Sappho, not long after I got her--4...
  6. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Another chinchilla sounds site.

    It's not as informative, but does feature several sounds that actually work for me.
  7. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Good chin pen?

    I saw this and wondered if it would be ok for my chins (when they're old enough) to be let out for some playtime. It doesn't come with a roof, but I would think there'd be a way to do some modifications? :hmm: Anyway here's the link:
  8. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Toys from

    I found some threads regarding the site's stone perches and houses, etc. But I was wondering if any of you have ordered toys from them? I am in love with this...
  9. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    How to treat rats with mites?

    Both of my rats have mites. I took them to the vet a couple weeks ago and was given an injection of ivermectin (sp?), and that was only to last a week until I saw her again. It helped, and we've been changing their bedding, but they still have them...although not to the degree that they did...
  10. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    To all the members in Missouri, and surrounding storm areas.

    I hope that all of you are okay, and have not accrued any damage to your houses/properties. Sending good thoughts to you and your loved ones. :hug:
  11. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Whiskers w/colored specks?

    I noticed last night that my male chin has little red/brown spots on his whiskers...they're tiny spots. I have no idea where they could have come from; only things in his cage are pellets and hay (besides fleece and marble chillers). I've been feeding him Pet Pectillin, but that's white. His...
  12. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Handheld Dirt Devil, or equivalent?

    I'm looking into buying a hand-held vaccum cleaner for the quick runs through and around my chins' cage (hay/poop/etc.). We have a standard-size Dirt Devil, but it's a pain to lug around, and I like Shop Vacs but they're too bulky (I simply don't have the space for it in the room where my chins...
  13. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Wanting to sell some extra hay, don't know where to start.

    I have a 40lb bag of Standlee Cubed Timothy hay that came with my chins (which I got in early April). I think about a third of the bag has been used (some was eaten before I adopted them), and as I've read on here, this hay will last FORever. I don't know how much to keep for my chins (I have...
  14. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Where locally to buy garlic soft gel??

    One of my rats is having a rough time with an URI, and I read on the goosemoose forum that garlic can help with the recovery (he's already on an antibiotic). Anybody know where to buy garlic gels, or cloves? CVS, Walmart, Publix, etc. ??
  15. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Better rat forum?

    I am a rat owner as well, and just now finding rat forums.... :thinking2: I've seen a few listed on this forum.... and I've also found Anyone know which one is best (I'd rather not be on a jillion different pet forums if I can help it)? Thanks!!!
  16. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Tornadoes all over the Southeastern U.S.

    I'm in Alabama, and the state has been hit very hard with tornadoes all day. As of right now most of Northern Alabama has no power. Thankfully my family does, and none of our properties accrued any damage. Unfortunately that cannot be said for my town as a whole, and many other neighboring...
  17. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Happy Earth Day everyone!!!

  18. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    When to change chin toys?

    My little ones have been whittling away at some of their toys (to the point that a few have pointy this harmful? or will they whittle it down eventually?), and others a little bit here and there. Do you leave them in there until they're mostly gone? Add new ones every few days...
  19. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Would this be a good chin carrier? Needing more than one (since I have a boy and girl), so looking to get cheap ones close by (if possible).
  20. LovinTheSmallAndFurry

    Possible ear issues?

    My male boy (still haven't gotten a name that fits him) had his right ear down last night for awhile, pretty much all the time....even while sleeping. When I went to bed last night, his ear was back up to normal. Then today, the other ear was down, as in staying down. He does seem to be a...