You know you're an animal lover when . . .

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Welcome to my zoo
Jan 29, 2009
Okay, I've been wearing a sweatshirt to bed because it's been chilly at night. The other morning I woke up to something tickling the upper back part of my arm. I scratched at it and turned over. It happened again. So I stood up and took my arm out of my sleeve. Guess what came out . . . a cricket. My daughter has a cricket keeper for her bearded dragon. I have no idea how it got in my sweatshirt. :hmm:
You know you are an animal lover when you have more animal hair on your sweater and people ask you if it is a new type of yarn.
You have special clean out the cage cloths
you see something in the stores and you say wow I bet my( insert animal here )would LOVE this, forgetting you are shopping for yourself for the first time in a year.
You step on something squishy and you start crying thinking you stepped on one of your fur babies only to find out it was the stuffie they stole.
You're not allowed to look on CL anymore because you keep rescuing animals.

The pregnant animals always seem to find you.

You carry on conversations with your furry buddies ... including speaking for them.
when you're house is so full of animals, that you don't have room for anymore.

when you adopt all of the neighborhood strays, feed them and provide bedding for them, because you've run out of room for indoor animals.

when you spend any spare $ on toys for all your animals, and haven't spent anything on yourself in years.

when you start to become forgetful of past animals' names because you've had so many

when you have a houseful of animals and still dream of having more
You find it hard to sleep without a little dog (or two) under the covers with you.

Your garage and basement is filled with empty cages, water bottles, bowls, carriers, fish tanks, dog crates, etc. You never know when you might need them!

You save all your old, ripped up towels and blankets to use for the dogs and cats beds.

When you're broke and you buy dog food, cat food, chinchilla food, etc. before you buy enough food for yourself to last until next paycheck.

You leave a bowl of cat food outside for the strays who often find their way into my home and my heart (and the vet's office for a spay or neuter :clap1:).
you find yourself mimicking their mannerisms.

you leave from places early cuz "____ didnt have playtime yesterday and i just know hes upset so im making it up to him tonite"

your friends ask you how they are...everyday.

you personify pets...and even wild animals that you see everday. (ex: the squirrel outside the library has been on a search for his girlfriend for quite some time)
You can't go out of town, ever, without calling the "babysitter" to check up on your animals.

No matter how great the guy is... he's out if the animals don't like him! Side story - you know you've found a good guy when he says 'hello' to the animals BEFORE greeting you.
In addition to Courtney's last one.... Or he sits on the bed making toys for them out of wood parts you just bought :D

You know you're an animal lover when they have the right to get comfortable in bed and you, well, you just sleep around them.
you know you're an animal lover when the whole reason you're upgrading from a Queen to a California King sized bed is so that the animals will have more room for sleeping.

you know you're an animal lover when your first criteria for a future mate is "must love animals"

you know you're an animal lover when you think of saving money and budgeting in terms of "well fluffy needs a new toy this week...she hasn't had one in almost TEN DAYS!! I guess I'll just eat cardboard" ;P

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