Will Charlie catch it too?

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"Ellie Mae"
Aug 27, 2010
Brandenburg, KY
Had to take Inca to the vet yesterday, he has conjunctivitis in both eyes. Inca has only been with me for a week or so (and I love him sooooo much).
Charlie and Inca have bonded well as you can see in pic, but is it real likely that Charlie will catch this infection? My vet gave Inca a shot, and sent him home on antibiotics and eye drops, she told me to just keep an eye on Charlie.
This is exactly why we tell people to do a proper quarantine for 30 days. Inca should've been kept in a completely different room for a month.

Be sure you are changing clothes and washing hands between interaction w/ Charlie and Inca.

The minute Charlie's eye starts to look different, he needs meds as well.
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I would separate them until Inca's eyes are all cleared up. It is the only way to prevent Charlie from getting it. The longer they are together, the more likely it is that both will end up with it.
Just like people said before...separate them. It could just be an eye infection that isn't contagious, BUT it could be something that really is highly contagious like a viral infection or an issue with some very contagious bacteria. A month of quarantine really ought to be done for even those chins that appear to be very healthy.

I hope that it isn't something serious.
They need to be separated conjuctivitus is pink eye. It is very very contagous. The cage Inca is in will need to be steralized and wood will need to be replaced. Like said this is why qurentine is done, you got off lucky conjuntivitus won't kill anyone