WI MCBA Regional Show

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Looks like there is going to be entertainment up the wazoo at this show! Wendy and her bondage, Carol and her singing and dancing with a chin hat and then of course the mass throwdowns for the quilts! Last year I was calling for security--this year we just may need it!!!! LOL!
Thank you for the kind words!! The quilts are machine quilted (brand new stencil pattern on the batik). I leave all the hand quilting to Kristie. I hand quilted in the beginning, but then I got chinnies and ran out of time for hand quilting! ;)

In answer to the "how much time" question: the Vanilla Stars took much longer, because of the dang stars! Triangles are the bane of my existence (tore out 3 working on a snowman quilt yesterday:hair:) but I love the finished product so what can you do?! Not sure how many total hours in the batik--maybe 10-12 all together? Probably twice that in the Vanilla Stars, though I may be exaggerating because it SEEMED like a long time due to the stars, LOL!
Wow, that's a lot of work! I like to sew, but I'm the type of person with no patience, so if it isn't done in a matter of a couple hours I'm sick of it!

I really hope I win something this year!!!
Well, we won't be coming to the show. Our daughter has surgery scheduled the day before and i don't want to go off and leave her. I'm buying quilt tickets though. Maybe next year.
Sorry to hear about your daughter's surgery and I don't blame you one bit for not wanting to leave her! There is always next year!!!!! I'm sure we'll have something fun and exciting planned--maybe Brenda in dunk tank???!
We will miss you, but wish the very best for your daughter's surgery!! Good thing you warned us: we could have had a LOT of left over fried chicken!!

And as for the "if Bob's not coming, I'm not either": GET YOUR BUTT DOWN TO BARNEVELD!! Vicki & I have been speculating you are nothing but a voice on the phone, not a real person: time to show up in person and dispel the myth!! :neener:
Thanks for the well wishes. Thats telling him Wendy. Bob's not coming is no excuse. I'll gladly pay for shipping the quilt to me.:dance3:
hehe - I talked to the voice on the phone last night and he informed me of his comment here. He was rather shocked neither Wendy nor I had commented back yet...
I'm not sure I've got anything to say as Wendy and Randy pretty much covered it...

Sorry to hear Bob & Vicki can't make it, but family is most important!! We understand and will make you pay for it later.

Oh - and as far as me in a dunk tank - if it increases attendance - I'm game. :D
He was rather shocked neither Wendy nor I had commented back yet...

This weekend is so darn busy, I barely have found time to breathe! I think he should be careful what he wishes for, or we might really talk some smack about his absenteeism. :)

It may be busy, but I have reserved time for the Packers, coming on in 53 minutes. GO PACK! (I quilt during football games, in case Vicki can convince the Phantom Gene to come to the WI show even if Bob is not there to hold his hand & I owe her a quilt for achieving the impossible/improbable!)
Brenda's quote on the dunk tank "if it increases attendance, I'm game"

OMG I feel the gauntlet has been thrown!?! We may be able to get more tickets selling ball throws at Brenda than the quilts!!!!
this show keeps getting more and more interesting...I wonder if any one wll even be watchinh the chinchillas LOL
If i send money, can i buy tickets for Brenda and the dunk tank? Someone can throw for me. :thinking2:
Vicki we can save the dunk tank for you next year! That way we can try to get all the shows rolled into one in Wisconsin with a million in attendance and throwing balls at Brenda LOL!

Nah, I couldn't do that to her, she's too dang nice!