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Well-known member
Aug 16, 2013
Manchester, UK
Hi guys,

I've not posted in a while, I've been super busy. (Don't worry, that just means I'm neglecting the internet, not my little chinnie!!). Anyway, disaster struck last week and my chin, Dworkin, ended up at an emergency vet appointment after he had a fall (not exceptionally high, but I don't think he landed well!) and had a bit of a seizure around 20 mins later, he's all okay now, he's perfectly healthy and the vet said he was in shock and just needed a little cage rest.

He's had his rest, but I have noticed two whiskers have fallen out over the last week! If it had just been the one, I think I'd have been less panicky. I keep checking his nose skin to make sure it's a nice pink colour and the stress/shock isn't still affecting him. Any ideas? One of them was a tiny whisker, the other one was one of his longer ones.

Also, has anybody had a chin emergency that they couldn't get over? The first time he came out to play after his vets trip, I was so on edge I could not relax one bit. I don't want him to know how uneasy I am and I don't want to be over-protective and ruin his playtime. Any ideas on how I can calm down after this incident? His behaviour, eating, drinking and toiletting has been fine and he seems very perky!

Any help would be great guys, thanks!
I wouldn't be concerned about losing 2 whiskers. Chins shed them regularly. Most often we don't find them.

You will calm down as time passes. It sounds as though he is recovering just fine.
Nope, not at all :) I have a bunch of chins and hardly ever find the whiskers...but that's pretty normal. While they do shed them regularly, for whatever reason they're often overlooked. Good job on being super vigilant though!