what types of hay are better?

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
im going to get just normal timothy hay. but was trying to figure out other kinds that my chinnies might like. i was looking on the oxbow site and i cant make up my mind. theres botanical, oat and orchard grass. which one of those do you chinnies like most and what are better?
Botanical is just timothy with some herbs mixed in.

Orchard Grass and Oat are both good choices. Both seem to be liked equally here. The best type of hay is the hay your chinchilla will actually eat.
ok thank you:) they arnt really picky about there hay they gobble it all up just wanted to give them some options
i've fed the botanical to Rhino, he likes it. but i stopped because i didn't feel comfortable with that many herbs going into his system all the time. it does smell fabulous though!

currently i'm giving him orchard grass in one hay container, and a timothy/alfalfa/brome mix in another. yeah, spoiled lil guy, has different hay types in his cage all the time.

the orchard has a very nice smell to it, and is a softer hay. Rhino tends to eat both hays i give him, alternating which of the two he eats more of (i put equal amounts of both in his cage every day).
jeez he is a rather spoiled chinnie. my chins are slowly getting more and more spoiled with each and every paycheck lol. next stop of the big saving will be a fn. but i can only order them offline. everyone here in oregon seems to think they need to sell there used disgusting fns for 200 bucks.. im like and i can pay 20 bucks more for a brand new one..>.>