What type of Chinchilla food do you feed?

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is Kaytee Timothy Complete a good food for chins? i just got 2 girls from my friend and she had them on it. there isnt much left so id like to switch to oxbow.
is Kaytee Timothy Complete a good food for chins? i just got 2 girls from my friend and she had them on it. there isnt much left so id like to switch to oxbow.
I'd go ahead and switch to Oxbow if I were you. Timothy Complete is ok, it's what I think of as the best one out of the worst, if that makes any sense. Like out of all the foods kaytee makes, it's the best...but still not good. Oxbow's much better. Hope that made some sense...
i feed kishi mazuri or nutraphase,but i'm thinking i'll switch to PANR if i can find someone who sells it here, as i have a rabbit too it may cut my pet food bill in half, now if only i could find food that's safe for guinea pigs rabbits and chinchillas i'd save even more hehe
yeah i'm hearing that, i just got her the nutraphase this week when she ran out of the mazuri, and it was the nutraphase that had the seeds in anyway,if i can't find the PANR , she'll be getting mazuri.
Ok, stupid question...

:err: Ok, my chins are eating "crap" food. I am not even going to say the name, but lets just say after reading this thread through, I feel like someone needs to call CPS (chinchilla protection services) on me!

So my question is: how to switch over? I believe I will switch to Oxbow because I know that I can get that close by and it seems to have a generally good reputation. Any suggestions would be great!!!!! :wave3:

Thanks all!
I want to add we've switched our herd over to PANR and our chins are THRIVING on it. We had them on Tradition and our oldest one, who was always on Tradition, never seemed to like her pellets but once we switched completely over to the PANR she eats almost her whole 2 tablespoons we offer her (as opposed to the 3/4 tablespoon she was eating of the Tradition).

It's cheaper, more readily available, and the chins give it 2 paws up.
:err: Ok, my chins are eating "crap" food. I am not even going to say the name, but lets just say after reading this thread through, I feel like someone needs to call CPS (chinchilla protection services) on me!

So my question is: how to switch over? I believe I will switch to Oxbow because I know that I can get that close by and it seems to have a generally good reputation. Any suggestions would be great!!!!! :wave3:

Thanks all!

Very slowly.

I feed 2 tablespoons a day and I started off giving 1 and 1/2 tablespoons of the Tradition and then 1/2 tablespoon PANR for a week.

The second week we did a 1/2 Tradition and 1/2 PANR but we did that for 2 weeks.

After the 2 weeks were up we did 1 and a 1/2 tablespoons of PANR and than 1/2 tablespoon of Tradition. We did that for 2 weeks and than after the two weeks were up they were completely ok with the PANR just by itself.

Just go slowly, a little bit at a time. I think mine would have done ok cold turkey though I wouldn't suggest it. Just go slowly and judge by how your chins are doing.
I started off using Manna Pro Sho but couldn't find it fresh here (the TSC store near me is horrible!) then I switched to Kline which my chins hated. I just switched everyone to Shoots feed and their bowls are all empty! I am going to stick with that as long as I can.
I just switched cold turkey to Oxbow from Mazuri. I got really low on feed b/c I had a job switch and a month between paychecks. I went to Petsmart today to pick up some Mazuri but the only bag they had looked old. I saw the oxbow and noticed it looked really fresh and it had an expiration date on it. I knew that had to be a good sign lol. Well when I got home it smelled super fresh. Then I fed it to Hercules. First I offered it to him from my hand he snatched it right up. I had noticed that he seemed to not really like the Mazuri and his poos where soft a few days a week. He's also 9 so I figured the lower protein would help keep him around. From day one I can honestly say I will never switch again if I can help it. He loves this stuff. He's already eaten 5 spoonfuls and is sleeping it off. Apparently he likes it a lot better b/c I noticed he hadn't touched the Mazuri I fed him this morning. What Mazuri I have left is going in the trash.
When the thread was started, I was feeding penpals and was thinking about switching feeds.

I've been on the PP for about a year now, and several things have dawned on me since switching, especially within the last four months. I have decided to go back to the 'tried and true" method, and go back on Tradition. I'll suck up the extra cost expensives of the feed, and the travel time. Picked up a few bags today, and hopefully the animals will be on the tradition and improving in no time :)
I am still feeding PenPals and got a scare whenever I heard what some breeders had experienced. I may switch, but Macy is doing quite well on it and has been on it for a year now too.

What should I do?
I feed Tradition here. I have had no problems with it regarding the chinnies health.
Mae that is up to you.

This is my personal beliefs.. My experience seems to be currently linked to my breeders and younger animals. Breeders are producing a lot less often, having some more trouble with their litters(even the proven moms). Younger animals are just not growing how I'd like. Some of my same breedings from last year are no where near the quailty that they were. They are down in size by quite a bit, and just aren't as 'fat and healthy' as they were.

My animals in breeding? Have been doing fine on it, with no problems at all.
we are feeding PANR here. the chins are eating more and wasting less. but the only thing i noticed was my females that are usually poping out 2+ kits are starting to only litter singles. but the single kits are gaining faster and looking much better. could just be a fluke...