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Active member
Nov 23, 2009
I have a mama chin and her "adopted" daughter in a cage and I noticed the other day that the sorta fight over the water bottle, like they make noises and stand on their hind legs. I immediately broke it up. I'm going to get another water bottle later today b/c I don't want more tension to build up. I read in other posts about whisker trimming but I'm not sure if that's what I should do and which chin's whiskers I should trim.
was the water bottle empty right before or not working? I have seen that if I have a bottle that leaked out through the night when I refill it
The water bottle works fine. It was just that they both wanted water, so they started bickering :X
Yeah, chins do that. I have them act that way over the water and food sometimes. If they are bonded and get along, a little squabble probably won't turn into anything. They communicate their displeasure about things with those squeaks and squawks, it's alright if they don't always agree. :)
But what about the standing on hind legs thing? 98% of the time they get along fine, I'm just afraid of what could possibly happen after reading stories of chins fighting :/
That's just the natural posture that they take when they are upset. I have a pair of sisters, who have been together for seven years. They do that to each other all the time...and sometimes will actually spray each other. They've never hurt each other, but they sure do like to have their little arguments...the waterbottle is definitely a place where they have an issue sharing.
Hmm alright. Well I got another water bottle just in case :p Thanks alot for the help!
A little bit off topic, but I was just curious if mother-daughter pairs may stop getting along as two introduced chins might, down the road, after they are bonded. Are they less likely to or does it really just depend on the chins?
I think it just depends on the chins.

To the OP, since you know they fight over water I would have two water bottles and two feed dishes.