What is a show like?

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Active member
Aug 29, 2010
I have never been to a chinchilla show but I have been to other animal shows and I was wondering if they were similar. Are vendors going to be there selling chin food and toys and products like that?? Will there be auctions and raffles? Any explanation on anything would be helpful because I don't want to look goofy not knowing what anything is. Lol
I have photos of past shows here, they're all about the same.

It's pretty much grooming/chatting/show setup, the actual show, lunch, more show, breakdown/chatting/cleaning and then sometimes a banquet.

They are unlike anything else, it can be weird if you've done other small animal shows. Just show up and chat with people, we love to have people help us groom, there's always things to do and help needed somewhere. :))
I, too, have many questions about the shows. Are children welcome or is it adult only? My 13 year old daughter & I would love to attend.
I went to a chin show last year and it was really nothing like I was expecting. It reminded me more of a Sunday luncheon with chinnies all over the tables. It was really laid back and casual, with people milling around oohing and aahhing over the chins and chatting with each other. Nothing like a dog/cat show.
Kids are welcome. My 13 year old competes against all of us adults with his offspring from his small herd.
Kids that behave themselves (that don't make a lot of noise) are welcome. The best thing to do is go to a show without a chin first and observe. Then you know what is expected (somewhat)
If you'd like to sit in the front row, be sure to wear white or a light color so that it doesn't reflect on the chins' color. You will also be able to hear the judges comments as they are making their choices for placements.
I've been to some alpaca shows(don't laugh) and they sold stuff for your alpaca like jackets so they won't get cold and other things like that. I know you can't put a jacket on a chin but do they have like fleece stuff there or shelves or food or something?
At some shows there are vendors that set up items for sale. I try to sell fleece, shelves and toys at shows if I have the time to make things prior to show. Now that I'm showing larger amounts of chins and working more hours, it's hard to come up with the time to set up a vendor table so I prefer if someone orders something directly from me before the show and I'll deliver the items at the show.
There are raffles - sometimes live animals included. I have won 2 times :) I got an awesome mosaic made by Kayla at Little Sugar chins and a beautiful framed watercolor of a violet chin done by Mish. I thought people might jump me in the parking lot for that one :D
ok i have questions too. i dont want to be in the show but can someone off the streets come look and watch the show or is it for people in the show only? also are there any near Louisville Ky?
ok i have questions too. i dont want to be in the show but can someone off the streets come look and watch the show or is it for people in the show only? also are there any near Louisville Ky?

Yes you can still go to a show and not show any chins. Some shows may have a door fee that you have to pay to get in. I'm not aware of any shows in Kentucky, there are some in Indiana and Ohio.
We had quite a few people wander in at the Hermiston show - they see the signs and are curious. Don't be put off if nobody notices you right off, shows are quite busy. I'm sure you know the fastest way to get someone talking is to ask about their chins, so don't be shy. :))