what different allergies can chinchillas have?

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Oct 11, 2012
So, my chinchilla has been sneezing more and more last couple days and today woke up and he had little bubble on his nose. He was at the E.R on Saturday and was taken to a good chinchilla vet today too ( he gonna be super stressed I know...:cry3:, but they said he didn't sneeze once when he was there. they went ahead and put him meds

So I was wondering can chinchillas be allergic to dogs or (really crazy) other chins? his sneezing started around when got another chin...
Allergies with chins usually don't involve stuffy noses. What medication were you given? It really could be a upper respiratory infection, so you should keep him on the antibiotics.

Chins can be allergic to a lot of the same things other animals and humans. It normally doesn't involve bubbles coming from the nose, or at least that hasn't been my experience. I've noticed that "allergies" usually involve eye problems when chins have allergies to dust, pollen or other things.
Snot needs to be cultured for bacteria to rule out infection, snot and stuffy nose can be present due to alleries, seen it myself twice.
I have a sneezy chin, Toffee came home with me when she was 5 months old, I noticed that she was sneezing quite a lot, but didn't have a runny nose or snot.
It was an on and off thing for her, I monitored her very closely since I had booked for a vet normal checkup a week after they came home to give them time to settle down.

I told the vet about the on going sneezing she was having but she said everything was clear, she was in perfect health.
The vet suggested that it could be an allergy, chins can sneeze too, just like humans, she was not prescribed with any meds. Up until now, she's over a year old, she's still a sneezy chin, sometimes it's gone for a week, sometimes she sneezes 5-7, she seems healthy otherwise, but I have yet to find what is irratating her nose.
I would be more concerned that the new chin brought something in with it. It could be shedding bacteria and not showing signs for some reason or another.

Did you quarantine the new chin?