What color is Gizmo?

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Sep 30, 2011
Hanover, MD
I haven't read much about chin coloring but from a few picture that I'd seen I thought that Gizmo looks like a white mosaic. Then I saw a picture of a white violet and it looked like Gizmo's coloring. So I looked up some more info about colors and it seems like he could be either. I haven't read much and being new to all of this I'm not sure I fully understood what I was reading so I thought I'd ask some more knowledgable people. So what do you think?


He is mosiac, but without knowing his pedigree it is hard to say what else might be there. He looks like he could be an ebony white to me.
I wish there was a way to find out his pedigree but he's from PetSmart so I guess we'll never know. Unless maybe I could find out where they get their chins from but I doubt it. Does mosaic just mean that he's got the solid patches of color, like on his forehead?
He just looks like a "plain" mosaic to me.

Mosaic is the all encompassing term for a white like he is. Eb/whites, white/violets, white/sapphires, etc., all are mosaics. The other names just help you to know what's in their background. There are also pink whites, homo beige pink whites, etc., but that's a different cross than a mosaic requiring the beige gene.

You will never find out from Petsmart where your chin is from or any other pertinent information. Chins in pet stores are purchased from brokers. The brokers don't even have that information.
I agree with white, carrier or otherwise. I did notice his eye looks a little red, if it continues you may want to have it looked at.

And sometimes, the brokers buy from brokers, who sometimes even buy from other people! So the possibility of finding out anything would be a miracle level.
I agree that he's mosaic, although I'm still pretty new to chinchillas myself. I just wanted to say that he is very very handsome!!!