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Well-known member
Jan 31, 2009
Erie, or Pitts Pa.
Just lately, the last 2 weeks, Tika has been pulling out all her hay and rolling in it and I am perplexed. She just started it out of the blue, i haven't changed her dust bath schedule, i give her one every 3rd day. She does not appear greasy, or dry, she looks good to me. And was wondering if anyone else has has a chin that enjoyed rolling in their hay? Or what could be causing it?

I agree....when I only let out 2 or 3 of my boys at a time and I give them the dust bath, Cheeko (in his cage) will watch the others taking dustbaths and tries to "bathe" in anything he can find LOL. Most of the time it's the litter pan :rofl:
I have one that "bathes" on his chiller tile, one that does it inside his house, and one girl who does it all over the whole cage till she gets the actual dust bath. Tho none have tried to bathe in their hay (at least not yet)
Maybe that particular batch of hay is fresher than the last - or from a sweeter location. Or maybe she left some dust behind in that location after her last dust bath. Mine like to take as much dust as possible back into their cages for later use!
I also have a few chins that will "bathe" in their hay when I put a handful in their cages. In fact, most of my chins like to roll around in several other things like they are bathing. A lot of them roll around in the new shavings (and make a big mess!) when I change out their pans. I have a young chin at the moment who has decided a full bowl of pellets constitutes as a dust bath. I even have one silly boy who will roll around when I give him a pumice stone! He'll then proceed to chew it up and make his own dust with that and and roll around even more! :rofl:
I am afraid to give her to many dust baths, right now in erie with it being as cold as it is it becomes very low humidity and i don't want her to get dry skin. Her fur never looks greasy even in the slightest. But i guess i will try every other day and she if her rolling continues and how her skin looks.

glad to know i don't have the only goofy chin!
Bambi makes her own dust out of pumice. It only takes her a couple of minutes and then she rolls away! Chins can be so silly.
Stolie likes to roll on the carpet in my bedroom. I don't know why. But he I put him in his cage after a bath later I'll see him rolling in the left over dust:winkers:
I just posted about this. I was worried. Chewy (I think, I still can't tell them apart without looking very close) began rolling in his bedding that is in their house today after he finished his dust bath.

It's funny reading everyone else comments because he's also rolled and pawed on husband's jean pant leg. Maybe the blue color through him off. And once, he got so excited about the dust bath bown that he didn't even make it in the bowl before rolling. They are so funny about that.

I'll have to buy some pumice and see what they do. Is any kind of pumice okay for them?
Murphy rolls around in his shavings. Same spot every night! He pees in the in one corner & in the opposite there is always a body indention from where he rolls.

Guess they're just weird !