Vibrates. Is it seizure?

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Active member
Mar 17, 2013
Can anyone help to share comments on a medical case of a friend's chinchilla called Big B. Big B is a male standard imported from USA to Hong Kong thru .com and my friend brought it home a year and a half ago. Several days ago it has started to vibrate occasionally. Please refer to these video clips:

According to my friend's description, Big B eats and sleeps well. Active as usual. Poo size n quantity are good. She took it to an exotic vet who said it looked very healthy and unlikely it is a malnutrition case. Seems like the vet is not sure if it is seizure. Has anyone come across any similar experience?

Whenever it vibrates, it gives a low rasping noise like coughing. No sneeze no runny nose. The vet said its lung was clear n unlikely a cold nor flu.

My friend cannot communicate too well in English. So, I am seeking advice here on her behalf. Hope someone can help. Thank you!
Does not look like a seizure to me, the chin looks like its still "with it" when its doing it. Looks respiratory to me.
It sounds like a respiratory infection or maybe some form of allergies. The chin looks like it is trying to clear its nose. The coughing and raspy noises are very bad signs. If it were my chin, I would probably get some antibiotics before it gets into the lungs. I'd probably ask the vet if Baytril for 10 days would be a good idea.
Thanks ticklechin n AZChins.
The vet had prescribed antibiotics (I am waiting for my friend to get back to me if it is Baytril) n pain killer. It has been on meds for 3 days n today is the forth day. I think it generally takes 3 days for Baytril to start working to the system. Hopefully the occasional vibration will not happen anymore.

Thank you for sharing valuable views.
The vet has prescribed Septrin the antibiotics and Meloxicam the pain killer.
Hope he is doing good! If it keeps going she might want to check if something in the environment is new too, like a new perfume, room spray or something that might irritate his breathing.
Hope he is doing good! If it keeps going she might want to check if something in the environment is new too, like a new perfume, room spray or something that might irritate his breathing.
Thx Zoe. About two weeks ago, Big B had started to give out sounds like hiccups or cough occasionally. Just about 10 seconds each time. My friend took it to another exotic vet who said it got pneumonia. So, it is respiratory.
It is now on Baytril and has been getting better each day. It was rechecked last week and the vet said 50% recovered already.