Urgent-How to keep my chinchillas quiet at night-

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i love my chinzillas
Aug 4, 2011
I am about to cry. I just finished college and am moving back into my bf's parents house......... they have 3 dogs and a cat and I will be upstairs in an open-walled loft, with 3 other people. The parents basically do not want my chinchillas in their house, because of smell and noises. How can I keep my chinchillas quiet at night, they have silver surfer wheels and fleece as their ground. There is no where else in the house other than the cold basement where the dogs sleep but they are going to be doing a lot of construction down there so I'd have to cat-carrier my chins up and down the stairs each day. I have no one else that wants to lend me a spare room or basement to put them in. My parents would but they live 2000 miles away. Please I don't know what to do :(
Sounds like it's time to use your college degree and get a job and a place of your own. There are 3 people living in this loft?

I guess I would start with the fact that chins do not need a wheel, remove it. Otherwise they are nocturnal animals and will make some noise. You could make a cover for their cage out of fleece but that will only do so much.

As for smell, chins should not smell if kept clean so that shouldn't be an issue.
She's right, they're nocturnal. You'll probably have to deal with complaints until you can find a new home...or until they force your chins to find a new home. Sorry for the bad news.
I'd take away the wheel. That should help decrease the noise a lot. Maybe give them a bunch of wood to chew at night? As for smell, I would just more frequently clean their cage
Wow..I mean chins need to have something to do at night especially if they have to be in their cage so why remove their wheel?? Just seems kindof cruel, also how fo you let them out for playtime since you have cats and dogs?? I would get my own place asap!! And put some chews toys in the cage to give them something to do.
Wow..I mean chins need to have something to do at night especially if they have to be in their cage so why remove their wheel?? Just seems kindof cruel, also how fo you let them out for playtime since you have cats and dogs?? I would get my own place asap!! And put some chews toys in the cage to give them something to do.

Chinchillas don't HAVE to have a wheel. I don't have a wheel in either of my cages and my chins seem plenty happy. I think as long as there are plenty of ledges and chew toys, they are occupied and happy.
That's great they seem happy, I just always heard if chins don't get plenty of playtime outside the cage, they would need some form of exercise and of course a wheel in the cage was the best suggested option.;)
I am about to cry. I just finished college and am moving back into my bf's parents house......... they have 3 dogs and a cat and I will be upstairs in an open-walled loft, with 3 other people. The parents basically do not want my chinchillas in their house, because of smell and noises. How can I keep my chinchillas quiet at night, they have silver surfer wheels and fleece as their ground. There is no where else in the house other than the cold basement where the dogs sleep but they are going to be doing a lot of construction down there so I'd have to cat-carrier my chins up and down the stairs each day. I have no one else that wants to lend me a spare room or basement to put them in. My parents would but they live 2000 miles away. Please I don't know what to do :(

I was in a similar situation 4 months ago. What I learned from that experience is that where there is a will, there is a way. If you haven't done so already start exhausting all of your resources. Public transportation, carpooling, borrowing a car, apply to any and every job that you are qualified for, look into living with other people, government supported housing vouchers which can help you get on your feet. Think outside the box and pursue every lead. I was checking local newspapers, online job searches, I was calling local business, and stopping in to fill out applications. I also kept in touch with my college professors, and had them passing on any openings they heard of. Within my first day of job hunting I found a waitressing job. Within the first week I had a second office assistant job. Within a month I had taken 6 interviews and finally landed a position in the field of study. Look into substitute teaching. As long as you have a college degree in anything you should be qualified, some states may make you go through a training course.

You could make a cover for their cage out of fleece but that will only do so much.

I'm going to have to disagree with Riven on this one. Fleece is highly insulatory and the chins could have health issues from the lack of airflow and heat that is trapped in the cage.

Your original question was how to keep your chins quiet. The only thing you can do is take out the wheel. Otherwise they're animals they will make their noises, chew, bounce around etc... Maybe there is someone nearby you know who would be willing to foster them until you can get on your feet? It's not going to be easy, but it is do-able.

I wish you a lot of luck, even without the animals to worry about it sounds like you have some obstacles to overcome.