ummm... is he fat?

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Yes he is very healthy. I have had him for nine months and he never has problem. He used to have seizure when he was younger but not anymore :)
Did you ever find out why he was having seizures? :[

I keep hearing about people with chins who have them, and I'm so scared mine might get them. I'm paraniod, I know.

I'm glad he's doing better now though!
No I didn't. Everytime he has it it usually last like five mins so the first time he got it I didn't take him to the vet. After he had the second time I took him to the vet the next day but the vet around here doesn't know anything about chinchilla. I think I know even more than him. All his suggestion of what should gizmo do is sooo bad and contradict to every sources i got online. So, I was planning on taking him to the vet in the bigger city but the closest one is still six hours drive and since he hasn't have it anymore so I never did it.
As long as he's still as quick, agile, and peppy as he's always been, he's probably perfectly healthy. Although,......maybe a little too cute for his own good!!! I love his little darker eyebrows!! They make his cute little face seem even more expressive.....I want one lol
As long as he's still as quick, agile, and peppy as he's always been, he's probably perfectly healthy. Although,......maybe a little too cute for his own good!!! I love his little darker eyebrows!! They make his cute little face seem even more expressive.....I want one lol

I actually never notice about his eyebrows before lol I love him!
I had to tell you that I keep coming back to this thread just to look at his picture. It just cracks me up so much. You have one beautiful- oh pardon me, handsome little man there. Those little "manpockets" are my favorite.

I see a calander entry!
I showed the picture of your chin to my boyfriend and he said he should be wearing a monacle and I absolutely agree!!! :laughitup: