things my boyfriend says...

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We have a stuffie somewhere laying around, it looks like a chinchilla.
My dad once hanged it in the doorpost with a rope around the tail.

I came in, it was still early in the morning so still dark.
And I saw the silhouette of the hanging chin :(

Scared the **** outta me.

It was only a toy but that was just mean :p
This literally happened 5 minutes ago

Our new Director of Development just asked to use my computer to check an email. As he was sitting down he saw my desktop (same picture of Lily that is my Avatar) and he said "WHOA who owns the rat?" The rest of the staff gasped because they all know about how much I love the chins. All I could stammer out is, "That's not a rat, that's my baby!" I think he felt bad because he tried to make some joke about waiting 20 years before he asks me to donate to the College's building project. I told him that Lily's young so she could potentially still be around in 20 years and he'd be better off with an apology and a box of plain cheerios. Hahaha. We're all still laughing about it.:laughitup:
My son was just making fun of the time I spend on here. He said he should make a post stating " I just got a new chin and she loves living in an aquarium and playing with fish."
When we brought our first chin ( Jack ) home, my husband looked at the cage and said, " that thing looks like an alien." I think Jack looked back at us and said, "Holy crap look at the heads on those creatures!"

Friends in a chat room were also giving me a poking in audio telling me that Jack would make a great glove. I said I didn't think Jack would appreciate me shoving my hands up his privates to wear him today.:impatient:

When someone brings up the coat issue, I reply I'm just a couple short for a cape.

And when a chin is dreaming and starts to bark, I always say the same one liner. "It's alright, no one is going to eat you and go back to sleep." It works everytime! But if the husband is around he says, " Yes we are and your going to be a chin kabob." ( Snorts ) :pillowfight:
The only thing I say to Snow when she is aiming up for a shot is "try it girl and I will make you into a ear warmer" she still hits me EVERYTIME I think she is not so scared of me. When my furnace was not working last week(coldest day of course) I said I needed a Chinnie coat still on the chinnies I was trying to figure out how to make tubies out of my jacket.
the best I got so far was then I first told my mom about Buddy... she looked at a pic on my phone and said "hes beautiful... he"ll match my new jacket perfectly!"
my friends tease me about having them. I just got engaged, they tell me I should be looking into having a baby...
"No thanks.. I dont have save up to send chinchillas to college!"
Oh thats soooo cool, I mean warm. I think I need to make a pouch for my guys, not that they dont appreciate my sweatshirts but I think the pouch would be easier on me to keep them up close and LESS personal.