Thanks to alli713 and Twilight Chinchillas!

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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2011
I just want to say thank you to users alli713 and Twilight Chinchillas! They have each made me some beautiful things to put in my boys cage! If anyone wants quality items for their chin's cages you should definitely look at their sites!

alli713 made me a little corner house and a comforter!
Twilight Chinchillas made me a house with the boys name on it!

Thanks again!!!

Oh, don't mind the cage! No, I do not usually have the little metal bottom. I have fleece liners. I had to wash the liners while my two boys were playing ont he ground with me!


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Alli is awesome! i just got Rhino's corner hammock in the mail yesterday and it's made really well! (and of course Rhino is ignoring it so far, lol). i've been considering the corner house for my lil guy too.
Hahaha, the boys love the pink! :D
I don't like many boy colors so I decided pink and brown for their color theme in their cage!
The corner house is very well made and they both love it! They barely leave it!
Only real men wear pink :dance3: Lol, your boys can really pull it off :thumbsup:

I laughted at my oldest, we were talking about men in general, and she says Mom, Men are a myth, and boys don't grow up!!!

Glad that you got your house and are happy with it!
Aww! I love your stuff!!! Can't for mine to get here! :D
lol they look really happy and the house that Christine made is adorable! Just like a real live chinnie is looking right at you! (except he's wood colored) :laughitup: