Tap, or bottled water?

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In the UK, tap water is generally fine for chins. If you want to Brita filter it then that's fine too.
In the US the tend to recommend reverse osmosis filtration.
Ahh I was guna say I just read a post about people giving them osmosis filtration. I was like D: Bubbles has been on normal tap water for years!!! D:
But thats cool :D Filtering water is fine then? I used to filter it when I first got her, but then I thought it might actually be best to just give her normal tap water lol
Either is fine - filtered or unfiltered. The standards for water in the UK are (generally) pretty high and most people here just use tap water.
I used tap here in upstate new york for years, I guess the water near me was just fine. never had a problem. There are some places in the US where people dont use tap because there's more in the water. I did recently switched to a PUR water pitcher just to be safe. But if you live somewhere where you have great water, I don't see the problem with tap.
My opinion is you can never be too safe when it comes to water for chinchillas. Just because there has never been a problem doesn't mean you're not taking a risk by giving tap water. I am not sure of filtration systems in the UK but I would never recommend in the US giving tap water. I use a filtering system that gets rid of cysts and other dangerous things that can be in tap water. These things aren't typically dangerous for adult humans but I wouldn't risk it with a small animal. In the US babies aren't even suppose to have tap water but rather are suppose to have bottled water with their formula. If a human baby shouldn't have it, why risk it with a tiny chinchilla? I would filter just to be on the safe side if nothing else.
I use tap water filtered through a Brita, or store bought water with reverse osmosis.
I just switched to Reverse Osmosis. A gallon jug probably lasts about a month for my two chins, and costs like $1.20 at Walmart.
I use a special water filter here, but I'm not sure about there. It would really depend on your water supply, usually towns have the water tested here, and you can ask for the results! :D