strange patch of fur

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Well-known member
Feb 2, 2009
huntsville, al
so Buckie is my three year old boy. had a malo scare a few months ago, but turned out ok. Anyway, the last few weeks I've noticed this weird patch of fur on his back close to his back leg. It's about the size of a half-dollar. His fur has never been very dense (with Fatty my other boy, i can hardly see his skin when I move his fur aside but with Buckie I can). Well, this little patch is like wool! It's super thick and I've tried combing it because I thought at first maybe it was some sort of strange mat, but nothing has made a difference. It's a little more coarse than his other fur too. It's just the oddest thing and so I was wondering if anyone else has seen this.
Is it possible that this little patch could have gotten wet? Sometimes when the chins get just a little wet and the fur doesn't dry right the fur will end up looking a little curly, almost like wool. It doesn't feel like a mat in his fur, does it?

I'd give him a dust bath every other day to try to work it out. If it is a mat, you may be able to loosen it a bit and to get it removed completely. :)
hmmm, i dont think he got wet. He would have had to get really wet to soak that much fur and that hasn't happened. I mean I would have noticed, but it does look like wool. I have been letting him dust every day but nothings helped. I'm hoping its just gonna grow out, but I dunno. I really don't think its a mat, doesnt feel like it.

thanks for the reply though
hmm well ok. I'm not sure how it would have happened, but perhaps you're right. well thanks again :)
if he is with any other chins he could have been sprayed or gotten himself wet with the water bottle. Just keep an eye on it, but it doesn't sound like anything too serious
I recently had a little baby chin who got his entire back wet and I have no idea of how he did it. It had to have been the waterbottle, but how on earth did he do it? :) It's almost like he sat under the bottle and moved around just the right way to get the valve to make a wet design on his little back.

Chinchillas are experts at finding a way to mess up their fur! The most embarrassing part with my kit is that the girl, who was buying him, got to see photos of his messed up fur. He's fine, nothing is wrong with him now...but for awhile there he looked funny! :)
Lol! thats just goofy!

Yea I don't really think that theres something wrong with Buckie, I just was unsure about what the patch could be.

Thanks for the replies everyone!

It's kinda hard to see what it really looks like, but here's a couple pics. chins just randomly do that sometimes? I mean he's 3 years old or so and never been a fur chewer.
It does look like fur chewing and a chinchilla could start to chew at any time. Perhaps the malo scare put some stress on him (vet visits, extra handling, etc)...