Squeaky Wheel help...

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New member
May 9, 2011
So due to last minute living situations I have had to move in with my brother and sister in law, and I am now sharing a small bedroom with my chinchillas. Their wheels have gotten extra squeaky lately and my sister in law cant stand the high pitched squeal the wheels make.. is there any safe way to lube them up to reduce the constant high pitch noise? would a dab of vegetable oil help?? I just don't want them to get sick from anything so i want to make sure before i try anything.

Thanks everyone!
Bag Balm or Petroleum jelly works well for chin-safe grease but I thought most chin safe wheels have closed bearing housing. I could be wrong. Another option is to just remove the wheels from the cage for the time being. Won't hurt the chins any to go without them for a while.
i use veggie oil or olive oil for my hamster wheel all the time

but i think it would depend on the wheel you have
when i had one of carises wheel s i tried that and it worked until their first dust bath and they shook dust and it got stuck in the wheel and it wouldn't move :( it was a nightmare getting it to work again haha

then i switched to the flying saucer which doesn't squeak but it rattles around something awful
I've used olive oil in the past and it works wonders. As far as the flying saucer type wheel, you can just put a chunk of wood underneath and it really fixes the rattling issue. (Worked for me anyway.)
thanks so much guys, ill try the oil and then the petroleum jelly. i just bought a generic wheel from the pet store. im not sure the brand.. is there any kind of wheel that you guys reccommend that are safe for chinchillas that dont really squeek?? share any links if you have a good website to buy chin accessories thanks :)
i use veggie oil or olive oil for my hamster wheel all the time

but i think it would depend on the wheel you have
when i had one of carises wheel s i tried that and it worked until their first dust bath and they shook dust and it got stuck in the wheel and it wouldn't move :( it was a nightmare getting it to work again haha

then i switched to the flying saucer which doesn't squeak but it rattles around something awful

Put a block of wood under the wheel to support it. I have done this with all my saucereand I don't hear anything but the pitter patter of little feet.
ok thanks

just take a big chunk of pine and put it under the bar that comes from the wheel and attaches to the cage?