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Member Here :)
Mar 10, 2011
Hi, Im new..well, Kinda.
I'v been snooping the forum for awhile and even posted on it a few times but I'm just now getting to introducing myself.
I had a bad and rough start to chinchillas as some of you know and most of you disagree with the decision I made but whats done is done and I think I made the right decision. I now am chinchilla-less so currently, I have no chinchillas but really want a pair. I will keep looking around and see what I can find. Until then, I will keep researching as much as possible.
I really hope I can start off new and make some friends on here as I really enjoy this forum and want to stay :))

I have a huge chinchilla cage made by quality cage co. that is filled with ledges, toys, ect. Its set up very nice and ready for chinchillas!
I will post pics when I get my chinchillas and can put them in it.

Hoping to make friends with other chinchilla lovers!
Welcome to CnH.

Since your previous chins had was is presumed to be an infection, you will need to completely sanitize the cage they were in before getting others. It would be best to get rid of all wood and replace with new.
^ I agree with Stackie. Although it is a pain in the butt, replacing all the wood and sanitizing the cage would be best. I am sorry your first experience with chins wasn't a happy one. I respect your decision, as I don't know what I would have done in your shoes. I hope you can find some new, healthy chins, preferably from someone else!

Welcome to the forum! I don't post all that often because I am not very knowledgeable compared to many members (only had my chin a year), but I have learned so much.
Thanks :))
Could what they have had be contagious? I dont see how a vaginal infection or uterine infection could be contagious threw the cage? Is there something the other chinchillas could get just from the cage?
I Just bought like 20 ledges. Could I not wipe them all down real good? and wipe the cage down?
Are you positive it's a vaginal infection? Did the vet diagnosis it as pyometra? If you are not positive then to err on the side of caution you should completely clean the cage and wood ledges. Remove, clean and bake the wood ledges to kill off anything they might have. Clean the cage out with bleach.
Sorry to hear about your previous chin experience :( I'm not sure what could have happened but as long as you sanitize the cage and put all new ledges and toys and things like that in it then everything should be fine!
I wouldn't go out and buy a whole new cage....I don't think that was the problem from the actual infection. Just wipe it down real good and do it a few times! Then put new things in it and everything should be fine!

Hope you find a pair of chins! Can't wait to see pictures :)
Could what they have had be contagious? I dont see how a vaginal infection or uterine infection could be contagious threw the cage? Is there something the other chinchillas could get just from the cage?

It is very likely what they had was contagious, but without knowing what it was, I would definitely err on the side of caution. Just wiping it down a few times may not get rid of that bacteria. As Laurie said you could bake the wood after cleaning it well.
Hi and welcome! I don't know what had happened previously, but I'm sorry you lost your chins and hope you have a much better experience this time around. I agree with the others that it is always best to err on the side of caution, as you don't want to risk going through loss once again. Good luck in your chin hunt!