Our Christmas was sad this year as we are all still missing Lisa SO much, BUT we were all together as a family and that was the greatest gift! I got a WAY cool Elvis mini suitcase--hard--that I can put dvd's and cd's and stuff in! I LOVE it! I took it to the hospital when mom had her surgery and got compliments on it! I filled it with my Nintendo DS, my IPOD, my e-reader and even a few books! I was set for the day!
See Tab I believe in Elvis! But hey were are my apples and chocolates?? lol!
I also got a Barnes and Noble
gift card and the Third Day CD I wanted so bad! Dad had my name this year and boy does he know me!
My biggest shock came from mom and Lynelle! Lynelle got me a big of dried fruit for the chins lol! She had been feeling bad that she didn't even know the names of all the chins and that she doesn't ever come to see them. So I know this was her way of trying to make up for it. She was pretty depressed when she found out they can't have dried fruit lol! but that night everyone did get a tiny bit of raisin from Auntie Nel!
And mom really surprised me with a romance book! She had picked up a Trade Paperback Anthology because A. it had a Scottish Highlander on the cover and he was hot and B. it was "big" she goes I know you read those big books! LOL! Mom doesn't really know the difference between trade paperback and mass market so I thought it was really sweet!
Stewart got me a collection of books by Lisa Marie Rice that are very hard to come by! Just the Midnight Run book alone is going for 50 bucks on ebay, yet he found someone selling all three of the Midnight books for 25 bucks! It was great! And they are fabulous!
And lastly the best thing I got for Christmas was eternal life, thanks to the birth and ultimate death and sacrifice by Jesus Christ to save my worthless soul.