Some people are pathetic

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Wheel Cleaner X2
Jan 29, 2009
Laval, Canada
Today, I just got a email from a person I don't know about saying how pathetic I am talking about my life on msn and Facebook. Since my email adress she wrote to me (also my msn) is "friends only" she's a friend of someone who is suposed to be my friend. How childish and even more pathetic it is. I don't go with friends on their friend's FB profile or look at their msn nicknames and laugh at them. If you don't like what I say, just don't read. She even made assumtion that the fact I lost my job was because I was too curious and didn't mind my buisness. Obviously this person doesn't know me at all cause I'm not like that.

I know I shouldn't get upset over this but I wish I'd just find that "friend" that is so hypocrite. Obviously, when I enter her email or name in FB, I don't see anyone that has a common friend with me. I wish I'd find that people out and flush it from my life.
I don't blame you, this would upset me as well. To me, these are the most insecure types of people who enjoy stirring the pot while hiding behind their computer in cyberspace.
That is terrible I think a friend is a friend regardless if online or real-life.
Karine, we all know you are a wonderful person! This girl is childish and immature and a total waste of your time!
I will never understand why some people must be so hurtful to others. It seems she has her own insecurities and the only way she can have positive feelings about herself is at the expense of others. A person of your character does not even need to address these remarks with her.
Last time I checked, this is a free world. She's the pathetic one for reading it if she has a problem with it.
I would be mad at that myself. People just need to mind there own business. Is you facebook profile locked, if not, anyone can read it.. Just asking because i didn't see that you mentioned it, so then it could be anyone.
I just locked mine up so no one can see me unless on my friends list.

toxic people!!!

when you find out who it is, make sure you block them. it is easy to do, they will not be able to ready anything you post on any page!
If a person doesn't like it they can just not read it. She was very childish to send you a message
I would be mad at that myself. People just need to mind there own business. Is you facebook profile locked, if not, anyone can read it.. Just asking because i didn't see that you mentioned it, so then it could be anyone.
I just locked mine up so no one can see me unless on my friends list.


well that's the problem. Most of my profile is friend-only (like my e-mail). So in order to see it she must have been at one of her friend's computer (who's a friend of mine) to see my Facebook profile and my MSN (I have to aprove any new contact, and I refuse every adress I don't know). I'm more upset with my "friend" that was laughing with her about my FB and msn.