so difficult to find good homes

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Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
ive been trying to rehome my 3 babies i had in late may for a few months now. and everyone either is trying to find one for there female or they do seem like a good fit then months go by and they stop messaging you. i just want my 3 babies to go to a good home.
If you rescue or breed, you need to be prepared to keep the ones you get or make forever, its the way it is.
That's why I couldnt breed...I would worry too much! I feel for ya...I still have 7 rats from an accidental litter that I kept in fear of them becoming feeders!
That's what I had to do. I adopted Chichi and she ended up having two kits! Now I have three!! Never crossed my mind to find them other homes. I made a commitment! Now I love them all so much. I couldn't imagine not having any of them.

Good luck though. Homes are usually easy to find, but good homes is another story..
i hear ya! I have been trying to rehome a rescue since the spring.....even offered her at no charge to a loving chin educated home. it is what it is. :(
Things have been very slow here, and with all the medical stuff going on this past year I separated just about everyone, and still have 6 kits, so just sitting back, and holding onto them until I find good homes, and enjoying and loving on them while they are here!
It's not unusual to have a lot of tire kickers asking questions, pictures etc. I humor them a lot I guess with a lot of chinnie talk, then they disappear. Sometimes they don't like all the questions I ask of them and their knowledge, and other times who knows?
I think it seems to come in cycles. I go months with no emails and then suddenly I have several. I had a recent boom of five litters (thankfully small ones) and will not pair those females again until I have placed these others.
i hear ya! I have been trying to rehome a rescue since the spring.....even offered her at no charge to a loving chin educated home. it is what it is. :(

Awww! I am sorry, I so wished that my home would have been a good fit for Chilly!
she looks like such a sweetheart!
I get many emails from people wanting a mate for their chin or people looking to give their young kid a chin for their birthday. It's slow right now but I have had a few go to members here. The rescues will stay as long as needed.
With rescues, maybe one out of ten inquiries result in a great adoption going through. Everyone wants to just hand over the money with no questions. Even though they came from less than desirable homes to begin with.
It comes in waves for us as well. Months with no e-mails then bam 3-4 e-mails in a one or two week period!
All of our breeders are separated and we have some animals that will probably be 2 years old before they first get bred, because we have no more room for any more kits!
I've had rescues here for years before they go to homes. Lately everyone wants babies and I just don't have many babies because there's so many rescues and it would be sheer stupidity for me to have the chins making more babies!

Things will pick up when things get better economically...and it does come in waves. As pointed out before, be prepared to keep each and every chin that comes into your possession because it is not a given that you will be able to find a perfect home for each one.
With rescues, maybe one out of ten inquiries result in a great adoption going through. Everyone wants to just hand over the money with no questions. Even though they came from less than desirable homes to begin with.

Ain't that the truth! I spend more time wasted with people who end up not filling out forms or falling off the face of the earth than i do with actual adopters. What really gets me is when people emailing me saying theyre interested in adopting and want to know more about the chins and then I respond and they never email me back. Most people emailing bout chins for sale and rescues either (1) want a chin to breed theirs with, or (2) just want to hand over the cash and get the chin handed to them. Some even take it personally when I say they have to fill out an adoption form. I'm not singling out them or saying they don't know how to care for a chin -- rather, everyone has to fill one out for the good of the chins. They think I should just take their word that they know everything about chinchillas...when in their next breath they talk about feeding banana chips. *shakes head*

That said...I think it does come in waves. Some months I get no inquiries about adopting chins, other months i have to write notes to keep track of which potential adopter is interested in which chin.

It's tough.
We really need more threads like this so newbie breeders can get a real sense that just because you breed does not mean they find homes, its not automatic. You can tell them how hard it is but to see a real poster have issues may actually hit home and make people think that maybe having just a pet is not such a horrible thing.
I rescued my Basil from a place she had lots of friends and all the lady did was rescue chinchillas from pounds and stupid owners I wouldnt trade her for the world and neither would shadow. I looked at all the rescue places in my area and they wanted from 120 to 300 for a rescue Im sure you guys woulda been nicer move closer to me :) I even tried contacting people who were moving all I got were people looking to make a quick bank
I charge $45 for rescues and give out a month's worth of consumables with it. Maybe I should raise my prices? :D

Naw...I am pretty picky about homes especially the last few months...$45 is the penance they have to pay to deal with me. :)
How long is your lecture? Mine takes anywhere from an hour to three hours. It is important for people to know what they are getting into. If they want quick and easy, there are petstores for that type of service. Most of the time people are looking for something different than just handing the chins over without any questions and that's why they come to me. One of my favorite customers said to me, "That was so much better than a petstore!" after I was done with everything and getting ready to leave her house. That was so nice of her.... :D
How long is your lecture? Mine takes anywhere from an hour to three hours. It is important for people to know what they are getting into. If they want quick and easy, there are petstores for that type of service. Most of the time people are looking for something different than just handing the chins over without any questions and that's why they come to me. One of my favorite customers said to me, "That was so much better than a petstore!" after I was done with everything and getting ready to leave her house. That was so nice of her.... :D

I get that a lot too or worse, "That was so much better than the last breeder we talked to" - ugh. At least in our area it seems to be limited to one particular breeder.