Sigh of baby relief...

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What a week!

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone who sent along their well wishes. I just barely am catching up on reading my own post :duh:, between work, school, and babies it's been quite the week. Mom and babies are doing great. Arwen seems to be a natural mom, milk is in, and babies are gaining weight. The ebony girl started life at 42g and as of last night was up to 48g. Baby boy was 41g at birth and last night was at 46g. I know I heard about how active they are right after birth but still it amazes me to see them running around. The ebony girl is definitely going to be the little speed monster I think very soon, while as the boy will be the jumper/climber. I haven't named them yet but I will soon. (They might actually get Lord of the Ring Type names but I admit I have only seen the movies. I've got some reading to do).

Addicted to Chins - I actually did get Arwen from Craigslist. They said she needed a home. Turn out she needed a midwife! Lol.

Linda - I was going to say you'll never find me for your chin raid but I gave you my address last night. Dang! Well, no matter. I'll be keeping a weather eye open. :waiting:

My family and friends have been wanting to know what I will do with the babies. I wasn't sure but now that they are here I can't imagine not keeping them. What if the person I gave them to didn't take good care of them or tried to breed them like mom had done to her, etc? In keeping them I am probably going to have to convert a cage I was going to sell. It's funny cause I don't even live with my family but I can just imagine the look of " your crazy " I am going to get when I tell them my chin number is going from 4 to 6 with keeping these two.
If I weren't in New York state I'd throw my hat in the ring to be the little guy's new home. Crash could use a buddy and I eventually want an Ebony or BV, but now's not the best time. If you already have a male or two, it might be possible to introduce him to them and set up a bachelor pad. Glad to hear everybody's doing well, though.
I think I got their names...

So my little sister gave me an idea for baby names last night. She came over to see the little ones and remarked that the BV boy looks like a skunk. I went to school at the "Teaching Zoo" and we had a skunk I worked with named Rowdy. So that for the little boy. And for the Girl I was thinking there was this baboon I was going to work with who died before I got far and her name was Goblin. Since the girl chin is all black the name seems to fit as well. I thought about Lord of the Ring names since the mom is Arwen but I do tend to name my animals sorta willy nilly, whatever seems to fit at the moment for them rather than themes. But I like it...Rowdy and Goblin. What do you guys think?
Well...Goblin goes with the Lord of the Ring theme...just in a different way. :neener:

I like both names for them...having met them both...those names are PERFECT for them, lol.