Safe cleaners for a chins cage?

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Apr 8, 2011
New Jersey
I'm about to buy a used cage from someone and even if they have cleaned it themselves I really want to clean it myself again.. what are safe cleaners to use on a chinchilla's cage that won't effect them at all? What do some of you use on your chin's cages? Thanks! =)
White vinegar in hot water. Rinse thoroughly. If you have time, you can also lay it out in the hot sun and let it dry.
If there is any caked on urine, I would put straight vinegar on it, let it sit for a bit, and then scrub it off. The vinegar eats away at the urine and makes it really easy to clean off.
I was just thinking of this question myself. what if you dont have vinegar and dont like the smell of it? i have clorox wipes which i figure is a no and then i also have a spray bottle with water and a cap full of bleach. it doesnt smell like bleach tho because it is so diluted. would that be safe to use?
The smell of the vinegar fades within a couple minutes and it leaves no residue behind to harm your chins. I wouldn't use bleach around chins, even diluted.
Call me weird but I LOVE the smell of vinegar so I use the 50/50 dilution with water here lol the smell really does fade within minutes just in case you don't enjoy it as much as me :neener:
Alice Kline used 1-Strok Environ. It is made by Calgon Vestral Laboratories. I don't know where you would purchase it - maybe a search on the internet. I've used it and have a couple gallons - which you dilute down a LONG way. It can be sprayed on or soaked. I soak mine and then scrub them. They do not need to be rinsed though - but I do.

The great thing about vinegar is that the smell disappears pretty quickly, leaving behind just a clean smell.
For those that don't like the smell of vinegar, you can also use peroxide. Like vinegar, it leaves behind no residue. It also works well on urine stains on wood shelves.
I just got my cage and I am sooo excited! I got it for a GREAT deal... given I had to drive two hours there and then two hours back but I didn't mind that AT ALL! I got it off of craigslist for $70 dollars and it's in great shape except for it missing one wheel and some of the screws are rusty, Which both are completely easy to fix! =) I just was outside in the dark with my boyfriend cleaning it with hot water and vinegar.. it looks great but my hands are completely shriveled up! haha I don't mind though, it's gonna look great once I get it all set up! =)
I don't know how portable your cage is or its size, but could you take it to a car wash and use one of the high powered spray nozzles on it, with just hot water? Spray vinegar on it before you clean it, if you wanted to do that. I used to live next door to a car wash when I had a rabbit. I would break her cage down and walk it over, and use the spray on it to get all the chips and crud off. That way, you can be sure to get all the residue urine and poops hiding in the corners.
The car wash idea is actually pretty great! =) but the new cage I got is HUGE and there really aren't many car washes near me. =/
Maybe you can ask around and see if anyone has a power washer? Those spray nozzles for the hose work great too. Every spring, I bring out the big guns and take my parrot cages outside and hose them off. Helps to spray them with vinegar water too, let it soak for a few minutes and then turn on the hose!
I think I will ask around in my family and see if anyone has one! That sounds like a better way to clean... and a lot easier! haha I just spent like two hours trying to clean my old cage so I can sell it... brown stuff would NOT come up off the bottom of the plastic pan... NEVER again will I have a plastic bottom to a cage! haha Luckily today in Jersey was a GORGEOUS day so sitting outside with my dogs cleaning it for a couple hours wasn't so bad! =)
I use straight hydrogen peroxide and straight white vinegar. Put each in their own spray bottle, spray one, then the other and let sit for a few minutes. You can then wipe or rinse.