Restraint for hair ring check?

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Active member
Jan 15, 2010
Athens, GA
I know you've all probably answered this question a hundred times, but a quick search couldn't find me an answer to all of my question. I watched the video on hair ring checks, so I understand basically how to do it. I also read about wrapping them in a towel.

My question is-- will restraining them like this ruin their trust? I've only had my chin a couple months and he doesn't like being held. Can I wait longer to gain more trust before I do the hair ring check? He doesn't seem to groom himself an abnormal amount.
You really have to do this, especially if you have a breeding male. I don't think they'll lose your trust, mine always loses its fur in this one spot, and maybe for a few minutes sulks, but i'm sure they'll forgive you.
Thanks. He's not a breeder, but I'll get it done this weekend when I've got some help, whether he likes it or not. Glad to know he'll get over it eventually!
Another thing that I do with mine is give him something good right afterward, like a rosehip. If you get into a routine like that he may figure out something good comes when your done. Not sure if it actually helps any but I'd like to think it might cheer him up a bit quicker.
Its much easier on them and you if you do not wrap them in anything. Wrapping them up leaves you nothing to hold onto and if you hold them to tightly you can hurt them. I hold them up by the tail with my left hand and then reach in and push the sheath back with my right hand. Once the sheath is back you can fully extend him to check for any hair rings.
Sometimes it's easier to have one person hold the chin, facing you. Then you don't have to worry about holding down the chin while you check his bits. :)
I did my first hair ring check last night...I had my fiance sit on a chair and hold him and I sat on the floor and had both hands free to figure out the mechanics of everything ;) Roo doesn't like to be held or picked up either, but he did fine with the whole thing, just "sitting" on his rump in a lap, unwrapped. Getting everything back in place was the toughest part, but a few drops of water did the trick.
Hair ring checks do not have to be done every month--if you've just gotten him you could probably wait a bit. Also many times the males (especially if they don't mate) take care of the hair ring items themselves.
My vet (who does the vet section on this forum) actually told me that as long as he isn't mating that u don't have to do hair ring checks unless you think there might be a problem; she says they take care of it themselves anyway. I trust my vet and so do alot of people on this forum so i guess its up to you if u want to do it or not.
Not all male chins take care of themselves. I have one male in my breeding program whom I have to check every single night and that's no joke. He does not know how to clean himself and if I skip a few days, it's an absolute disaster and the poor guy's hair rings start to smell. And no, he's not breeding tons of females to cause this problem, he's only with two. I always suggest monthly hair ring checks unless you notice problems sooner and then check more often. I also follow the method that jags uses.
I have a couple males that are not in breeding. And yes some do get hair rings from time to time. It is a good idea to check. A little KY gel or liquid KY helps the penis move back into place.
If you notice a male grooming his manly parts too much, you should make that check. The hair can wrap around a penis and cause serious problems.
Okay it took some maneuvering but I got the hair check done. He would not tolerate just sitting on his rump so I had to hold him by his tail and cover his face with a towel. No hair ring, thankfully. Gave him a dust bath and rose hip as a reward, and now he doesn't seem too pouty. :)