Random! but curious !

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Apr 9, 2012
El Paso Texas
so i read to my chin..and while im reading i sit in front of his cage...so while im reading idk if he is listening because he is on the top shelve and he is looking at me like falling asleep sorta. and after im done he gets up and stretch? so what is going on, is he falling asleep on me ? or is he ignoring me ?
hehe self hair ring check!!

He was listening to you! He was enjoying you reading to him. Chins enter that little zone out stage when they are really into something...they do that when they watch TV, too. He's listening to the story you are reading....that's so darling! Mine do that when I sing to them and talk to them and give them scritches.
Awww so sweet i def think he was listening to you. I remember your other thread peep suggest talking to him so glad to hear that you found something to help him get use to you. :)
That's really sweet! He's listening to you!

My chin does that all the time. She loves to hear me talk - probably the only living thing that does LOL
That is so sweet whenever I read a book in the room, they throw poop at me, you are lucky...lol