Pyometra again?!?

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Well-known member
Sep 2, 2009
Tucson, Az
My other little girl now is showing the same signs. I just noticed white discharge. It had to of JUST started because I had just finished playing with her and put her away then maybe 10 mins later noticed her cleaning herself down there so after i dunno maybe 30 seconds of her doing it and not stopping I grabbed her and took a look and there's discharge. Same looking discharge. Is pyometra a hereditary thing? How could they both of had it one month within each other? I'm taking her in to the vet when they open in like 5 hours, but I'm even scared to wait that long :cry3:
Im not sure if it can be hereditary, or if susceptibility can be inherited, maybe someone else can answer that.

If you dont want to wait until your vet opens, maybe you could go to an emergency vet just to get her started on the antibiotics?

Closed pyometra is the most dangerous, so it is a good thing that it is draining and that you have noticed it. Now you can get her treated and she has a good chance of getting through it.

Believe me, I know exactly how you're feeling. But this is not your fault....I dont think there's any way of predicting these sorts of infections. I mean, look at the type of bug that caused my Jasmine's pyometra....that was Staph....that bug can be found pretty much everywhere, and most of the time it doesnt cause any harm. There are many many factors involved in an infection getting started.

She CAN survive this with the proper care. Gosh....I cant tell you how sorry I am to hear you're going through this again. Big *hugs* to you, and sending lots of positive vibes to you and your girl xxxxxx
Hope the vet visit goes well, you'll both be in my thoughts
The emergency vet I took Chilli to had pushed the puss out I guess and didn't catch that Chilli was a girl -.- plus a week after she had been treadted by him she got an abcess. Not to mention he got mad at me for calling a lot freaking out when something new with the problems had happened. He's a worthless jerk and I DON'T trust him. I'm calling and I'm sure they'll see her right away. They have been really wonderful to me. Really big discount on the cremation, lots of hugs, and didn't charge the stuff they had done to try and help Chilli. They had sent me a letter and had done all sorts of nice things. Plus I'm not leaving the vet's office until I get results...I don't care if I'm camping in the backroom.
Taking her in in 20 mins
Wish me luck guys :(
Yey 1 hour of sleep @_@
Soo scared
Great..she's lost even more weight. This is very much so not good. Got her an x-ray and blood work. Waiting for the results right now. They said the x-ray looked like she was really dense, but she's so skinny so it doesn't make sense to her. She has discharge and is a little swollen down there. What the heck is causing this poor child's weight loss!?!
I just realized...well kind of I mean I realized before, but never associated it, she's eating a lot of hay. She just seems to be craving it! She's pooping normally, but they said that her x-ray of her abdomen was really dense and they couldn't see well. Could she be a little backed up anyway? No more discharge is coming out, but she's still acting weird. She was trying to nuzzle into my neck and cuddle me at the vets. That fact alone scares me.

She said if she does have pyometra, she wants to spay her and doesn't feel medication will help. I'm just so worried she won't make it, but she's eating and pooping fine..I'm not sure about water. I guess I can try to force her to drink some. The water level looks like she's drinking, but hey I could be wrong.
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She was probably nuzzling and cuddling you at the vets because you're her mommy and so were the one person she knew to trust in an unfamiliar place.

You need to confirm she has an infection. You need to get the vet to take swabs, and do a slide with a Gram Stain, and also to get cultures done to id the causative agent.

The weight loss could be because she's not feeling too well. Jasmine has lost 30g since her pyometra started. How much has your girl lost? Is she still having discharge?
I'm not sure if she is just in heat and is fine :s
I'm not sure how much total she has lost. The sheet says she weighs 449 grams though?
Well...I can't believe they were so unprofessional as to have not called me back... I called Later Thursday and Friday and they hadn't taken a look at the blood test. I think I need to move. I say this because this is the best exotic vet in Lake Havasu City. I'm complaining tomorrow since their lack of speed could have killed her..but she is doing well. discharge just hungry and sleepy.
Got the results back. Took so long because she sent it to a specialist to be sure. Chico's fine, but said she has a nutrition problem? Needs to eat more pellets =| She's never been a big eater so....Low white blood cells, no diabetes, so pretty much normal. I'm going to get a fecal analysis today. Maybe a parasite.
I really hope you can get this resolved soon. Hang in there xxxx
To rebuild white blood cell count give your chin some red clover tops and echinacea . If you do not know where to get them from I can recommend several great places. It's important to offer some nettle, rose hips and alfalfa hay too. Low white cell reading usually indicate that the immune system is depleted or there are deeper underlying problems. I think you should definitely try these herbs. They will kick the blood back into equilibrium!
I did spent some time learning veterinary homeopathy and I sent some feed and hay brands to the lab. So, if you can tell what your chins diet is (pellet brand, hay brand and kind, what treats), how much wood(bark) and what kind chin gets, I can try to help. It's important that you list everything, even if you think something is not really important. If you prefer you can PM me. I just really want to help your chinnie.
Fingers and paws are crossed here!
Thanks so much guys :)
I give her Mazuri Chinchilla diet, Kaytee Timothy Hay, and I've been giving her a weight gain supplement, but clearly it's not making a difference with her :( I think if I get the problem fixed the weight gain should work. But I'm going to switch to this immune support supplement this weekend. Can't over "medicate" her - would be quite bad.

I got both herbal supplements from here so you can see the ingredients.
Too much vitamin A can lead to anorexia and liver damage.Many animal dietitians believe that 12000 IU/KG is what chins need. Here vitamin A level in some feeds:
Mazuri 35,200 IU/KG WHOPPING!
Tradition 3000 IU/LB(about 6000 IU/KG)
APD 4000 IU/LB (about 8000 IU/KG)
PARN 4800 iu/lb (about 10 000 iu/kg)
OXBOW 20 000 IU/kg

You feed mazuri, so it can be a problem right here. Not all chins can deal with that high vitamin A level. It's important to feed fresh pellets, and once the bag is opened, pellets should not be used for more than 5-6 months. I open new bag every 7-8 weeks and throw away what is left from the old one. Some ranches get fresh feed every 3 weeks or so. I try to get bags that are no more than 4 months old.

"Vitamin A degrades quickly in storage (six months storage at room temperature resulted in a 53% loss – Source: NRC, 1983)
Vitamin A oxidises putting strain on the chins body as it tries to remove it from its system. Research has linked it to "yellow-fat disease", a metabolic disorder associated with feeding too high a level of Vitamin A"
You can read more about it here

I think it's important to feed some loose alfalfa hay (legume hay) at least once or twice a week.It's rich in B complex,C, D, E, K, P, U, abundance of calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron, zinc, alfalfa contains every essential amino acid etc. Some info about it here My chins get some alfalfa hay daily. I mix it with grass hays for foraging fun! Alfalfa is recommended for sick animals.

Timothy is a lower nutrient dense forage. It just doesn't have the needed nutritional value that alfalfa has, it's great for teeth wear and fiber. But timothy is higher in minerals than other grass hays. It's good that you feed timothy, but I would definitely find a better hay. Kaytee products are not really good.

I tested timothy hay( different brands) and American pet diner second cut timothy is a winner! You can buy it here It's much higher in minerals than other brands. Oxbow timothy is quite good too but American pet diner timothy is higher in iron, magnesium and calcium(APD's second cut: Calcium 0.65%, Magnesium 0.34%, Iron 164 ppm.
Oxbow timothy : Ca 0.48%, Mg 0.23%, Iron 117 ppm).

I feed APD's second cut timothy hay to my chins, but I also feed other types. Timothy second cut is quite soft, so I feel that offering other coarser grass hays is important for teeth wear (oxbow organic meadow hay has lots of coarse stalks, APD mountain grass and Kleenmamas bluegrass have coarse leaves).

Qualitymutationchinchilla supplements are good. But what your chins really need right now is echinacea and Red clover blossoms . Some info Other herbs will not help much. These 2 herbs are #2 and #3 effectiveness, you need to rebuild white blood cell count. I do not mention #1 herb simply because I'm not sure how safe it is for chins.
Many vets and The Academy of Veterinary Homeopathy list echinacea on top of the list as immune-enhancing herb. You can get these herbs at, and other places.

I do not know if I would add grains in your chin diet right now. If you choose to do so, just offer really a little. A diet high in phytic acid(grains) interferes with calcium absorption. This acid binds to a variety of minerals including calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, and zinc and prevents their absorption. Insoluble salts are formed, called phytates, which are wasted from the body. Chins who get lots of grains may start loosing weight , body also burns extra calories just to digest and absorb whole-grains. The reason is inability to separate phosphorus from the phytate molecule.

Good luck

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